
What if Kal-El was adopted and raised by Professor X?

by OmegaJay
Storyline What If... Superman Lived in the Marvel Universe?
Characters X-Men
Previous Chapter What If... Superman Lived in the Marvel Universe?

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Porfesser X was use to strange things after all he was the leader of the X-men .

But the strangest maybe the now two year old child just learning to walk  .
Charles could help but smile the newly formed X-men had just come back from there frist adventure 
When a space ship had crashed in to the yard at midnight Charles and the other X-men rescued a baby 
The azaming thing is the baby had no burns any where on his Charles thought the baby must be a mutant or an alien not that it mattered he was here so he would adopt the child who would be know as 
Steven Xavier later he would be called super man the first appearance of his powers was when as a baby Steven blew up his bottle with heat vision 
        And the child grew and time passed 

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