
Jimmy Olsen tries to fight but it's time to play dress up

by Anzaleth
Storyline The Mannequin
Previous Chapter Vicki continues her love affair with Princess Batsy

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"Now,  wouldn't it be darling if my three dolls had a nice tea party together?" The Toyman said. 

"Ooo, tea parties are fun!" Lana-Doll giggled.
"So why don't you three choose the prettiest outfits to dress-up in, and then you can have your tea party," the Toyman said. "Where you all chat about how much you love being dolls, how much you love me, and how much you'll love helping me transform Superman."
"Yay!" Lois-Doll said.
Jimmi-Doll giggled as well. "Dress-up is so much fun!"
* * *
Duchess giggled as she pressed a button. Mad Hatter had programmed a few traps in the mansion, depending upon who would try to break in. Something in particular had been planned for Bat Jr. and Miss Bat.
Honestly, though Duchess loved helping to take care of her lovely mannequins, she'd appreciate the extra help, and this would influence the two heroes' brains to make them very interested in being part of the servant staff to cater to the mannequins' every need. 
Duchess giggled. Especially polishing Batsy....
* * *
Vicki Vale bit her lip as the news van showed-up. Time for her big moment.

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