
(Plump City) Psylocke and Jessica Drew attempt to escape the Church of the Abyss but are brought before the obese goth Priestess.

by Drake G. Reaper
Storyline Tf cities
Previous Chapter (Plump City) While sitting with her kids Susan Storm falls victim to the media alteration virus.

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With everyone's eyes focused on them Psylocke feels a bit weirded out by this. "No thanks, I think we're good, come on Jessica let's get out of here."

"Aw but Betsy they've got a buffet in here and that food looks so good " Jessica complains.
Betsy can't believe Jessica is thinking about food at a time like this they need to get out of this weird place.
"It does look good doesn't it Betsy you should listen to your friend. Jessica has the right idea the Abyss must be filled." The obese well morbidly obese priestess now that Betsy has a better look tells them.
"Here's what I think of your Abyss!" Betsy shouts thrusting a psionic blade at the priestess.
With a surprising amount of agility the priestess ducks and grabs Betsy in a hold restraining her in her flabby limbs.
"Such a violent one I know Sister Yuna take her to the Chamber of the Abyss, High Priestess Paine shall educate this one." The priestess instructs an obese nun.
"Right away Priestess Rikku, come along now the High-Priestess awaits." Sister Yuna says taking Psylocke to see the High-Priestess.
"Now then are you going to be any trouble?" Priestess Rikku asks.
"No of course not I'm just so..." Jessica pauses clutching her stomach. "Hungry I think the Abyss is deep with me."
Smiling widely making her chin sink into her second. "Well you're in the right place I see a lot of potential in you."
Rikku guides the skinny woman over to the buffet the other obese goths looking on happy for her and making a few jealous.
* * *
Waking up at around noon Ellie slowly lifts herself from the bed just almost regretting it. Trying to remember what happened last night she was listening to some slob pop with Yukio then there was eating, drinking some more eating, she must've fallen asleep sometime after. Getting up she looks in the mirror noticing she's gained about 30 pounds in one night.
"Hey Yuki-UUUUURRRP up we got stuff to " Ellie says burping loudly.
Slowly getting up Yukio emerges from under her covers her hair looking like a rats nest while drool flows from the sleepy girls mouth. "I'm up Ellie it's noon let a girl sleep in a bit."
"Fine that means you're not getting any food. " Ellie tells her knowing that food is the only motivation for both of them.
"Fine let me find something to throw on you're lucky you're hot." Yukio replies finding some clothes.
"And you're lucky you're cute now let's get some more food I'm starving." Ellie states looking forward to more food.
* * *
"We almosht at thish party thing cause we've been walking for a bit and I'm tired " Laura complains.
"Come on it's not that much further jusht a bit more and some sweat will do you some good." The red-headed Slob tells them.
Leaning against a lampost panting and covered in sweat Jessica downs a beer to cool off. "Maybe a small break so you never told us your name."
"Hm haven't introduced my self have I call me Amy 'Swamp'." She says laughing a bit.
"That really you're name?" Jessica asks watching Laura down another packet of Jumbo Oreos.
"Nah its Pond figured Swamp was more appropriate you know." Amy Pond or rather Amy Swamp explains. "Well there is girls The Wallowing Pig come on a bit more and you get all the cock, food and booze ya want."

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