
What happens to Pepper in the Meantime?

by colleem
Storyline The BLISS Pleasure Cruise
Previous Chapter The stylist gets to work on Storm's hair

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Pepper smiled because what she saw pleased her extraordinarily well. The wellness areas of the Ship were very neat and well equipped. Of course the Bliss Queen II was far superior to this ship but that was because the Bliss Queen I was a little older. Juan led her into a separate room with a lounger and some shelves full of oils and herbal mixtures.


"Should I undress now?" Pepper asked and Juan could clearly hear the slightly sarcastic tone. But he was forewarned and well informed about the intentions of his boss.


"As you wish, Miss Potts. I will not tell you how far you will undress."


Pepper relaxed a bit at the answer and retreated briefly to one of the locker rooms. When she came back, she had a towel wrapped around her hip and was wearing only her underwear. Juan smiled friendly and waited until she was taken a rest on the couch. Pepper decided at the first foul touch to dismantle this guy into his atoms and then ask her husband to buy the whole damn company. However, she also intended to give him a chance. As expected, the company hadn't hired any incompetent people. The way Juan massaged her shoulders was extremely skillful.


"Heaven. Miss Potts! You work way too much. Your muscles are totally tense," Juan laughed and exerted a little more pressure after spending some time relaxing her body. Pepper could clearly feel Juan's fingers and palms pressing against her muscles and making fine, clean movements to help them relax.


Slightly groaning as she felt him doing his craft on her. It was incredibly good to feel her body finally relaxing. She was already familiar with masseurs who always liked to talk and so they both started to talk about trivial things. How much Pepper disregarded her body and the like. How hard it was to run a company the size of Stark Industrial. After about half an hour, Juan informed you that he was about to start the actual massage.


Pepper had shed her initial skepticism and enjoyed this time. Juan seemed to have a high level of integrity. He concentrated mostly on her back and wandered along her spine but never touched her butt with his fingers. She gave him credit for that.  And then finally came the most pleasant part. She had been quietly waiting for it all this time. She loved oil massages more than anything. She was curious the whole time which oils he would use.


He moved to her head and held out 2 small containers to her.


"What would you rather have Miss Potts? Rose scent or a herbal blend of jasmine, sandalwood and mint?"


"Mhm. My masseur always uses rose oils. I like the smell, but I'm ready to try something new. I'd like to try the mixture if it's not a bother."


"But not Miss Potts at all. By the way, may I say it's an excellent choice. Careful it might be a little chilly." He nodded and put the rose oil aside. Carefully he dropped some drops of the oil on her back and started to spread it. Pepper's comforting sigh was a clear sign that she defined both the smell and the pleasant coolness as pleasant. He spent some time distributing the oil on her back and neck and waited until her skin had completely absorbed the oil. Both oils would have had the same effect, so your choice in itself had been completely meaningless.


Both the smell and the oil itself had only been produced this morning in the ship's bio labs. They had been perfectly adapted to Pepper's DNA and biochemistry. For any other client, these oils would be nothing but ordinary massage oils, but for Pepper Potts they were the next step on the way to one of Bliss's most valuable assets. The chemists had given him the most precise instructions. Considering the size of the room, available skin area and other factors, it would take some time for the product to effectively change your metabolism. And so Juan did exactly what he was supposed to do. Massaging his client.


However, after 15 minutes he could feel that something had changed. Pepper slowly slipped into a state that seemed neither awake nor asleep. She was still able to react normally to the conversation, but her answers were a little calmer and more absent than before. This seemed to be the right time for Juan to start the 2nd phase of this massage. With a small needle he penetrated her skin and Pepper didn't even notice. Under the pretext of getting new oil, Juan went to the table and put the needle on a small scanner on the table. The toxicity level of her blood had reached the required level and he could start. When he came back, he started massaging your shoulders and arms and now steered the conversation in new directions.


"May I ask how you like the cruise so far? Personally, I have to say that it was a little confusing that many of the women employees here had cosmetic surgeries.


"Mh? So I'm not the only one? I would have just thought that a man would like it more." She asked wonderfully. It wasn't so easy for her to see him in the present situation.


"Oh. The women here are all very beautiful, but in a very artificial way. Please don't misunderstand me. I like working here, but sometimes I feel like I'm on the slut ship." He laughed and concentrated on her left shoulder. As she had just turned her head to the left, she could smell the fine smell of the herbal mixture even better. Her nose was already completely filled with the exotic smell.


"Yes... Somehow it is." She agreed with him. "But isn't that part of the company philosophy?"


"Yes. Bliss is a Way of Life.  I know the slogan. I only mean that it was difficult in the beginning. I just wanted to say that it took me a while to overcome my prejudices against you. How do you see it" he asked after some time.


"I think these are all stupid cows who have nothing in their heads and try to fulfill some stupid beauty ideals." She nodded and felt again a small part of anger rising but suppressed by the pleasant scents and his capable hands.


"They may be right, Miss Potts. But it was their decision. And who are we to judge other people, right?"


The fact that Pepper hardly answered right now, but only made agreeing sounds was a good sign in his eyes. It meant that the oil had reached its maximum effect, but also that now the last phase had begun. Unfortunately the oil didn't last very long. Once it had reached its maximum power, it decomposed just as quickly back into the body. In less than 20 minutes one would no longer be able to detect the smallest traces of the oil in their bloodstream.


"I am of the opinion that it requires a lot of courage to change so radically optically. Of course there are some women who have done it for the wrong reasons, but if a woman decides to become a living sex dream, you should respect that."


Pepper was much too relaxed to contradict him. He was even right somehow. It wasn't as if these women had been forced to. They had decided for themselves and what did they get for it? Mockery and mockery. After the massage she sat in the dressing room for some time and thought about the conversations she had had with Max and Juan. While she could understand Max's point of view at least in the context of his business interests, it was different with Juan.


Thoughtfully she wandered across the foredeck and looked at the sea. She also saw here and there some of the Bliss employees taking care of the guests' wishes. She watched them a little longer and could see several times that the young women were rather rude. Due to their employment on board the ship, they even had to put up with it to a certain degree.


As she observed it, she had to think of her own past. Back when she was fresh out of college and hired by Stark, everyone thought that Tony had hired her just for her ass and tits. Even today she still had to assert herself in a male-dominated world and she ran one of the largest megacorporations in the world. And what did she learn from that? Nothing at all.



Pepper had to admit that she had extreme prejudices against these women. Was it perhaps because Tony had liked exactly this kind of women in former times so much? Hollow as bread and tits the size of Mount Everest. Maybe. Maybe it was because it was this kind of woman who made it hard for a businesswoman like yourself to be taken seriously.


But was it so wrong? These women had spent a fortune to change their bodies. Only so that they would arrive better with men? Was bust size so important for these women? Pepper had a well-formed bosom of her own but she didn't need any surgery to have such a body. She had invested a lot of effort to stay slim but everything about her was real.


On the other hand, she slowly began to understand the women's problem. Social and business had changed a lot in the last 20 years but it was still hard for people to work their way up. If these women thought they needed such operations to get a job, it wasn't even their fault, it was the fault of society. The illusion of false ideals of beauty.


Maybe she would talk with Max about this later on the Dinner.

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