
The Fantastic Four deal with the Mole Man.

by Gorel
Storyline Susan Storm; New Species
Characters Fantastic Four
Category Marvel Transformation
Previous Chapter Susan tries to come clean.

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The Fantastic Four had flown out of the deck that contained the fantasticar; a large flying vehicle capable of transporting the team anywhere they needed. Flying over the city towards the park, they found the Mole Man had not wasted time. Already the heart of the park looked like a small volcano, where a plume of black smoke ruptured through and large malformed lava creatures climbed their way out and lumbered towards the screaming masses.


“Bleh… Magma monsters? THAT’s original…” quipped Johnny as they made a fly by of the park. Setting the Fantasticar to hover over the small geo formation, Reed Richards flicked a switch were an energy bubble formed around the area, cutting off the monsters from the rest of the park where they beat their molten fists against the barrier to no avail.


“Okay, this should contain the area so that damage can be mitigated.” Looking over to the others, Ben and Johnny looked ready to fight, but Susan looked withdrawn, holding herself and whispering. “don’t loose yourself… Don’t lose yourself.”


“Honey? Are you alright?”


Looking up to her husband, Susan was a mix of emotions before she gave him a smile and jumped down from the vehicle to join Ben and her brother on the ground. Seeing the lava monsters turn their attention away from the civilians and back at the Fantastic Four, Susan raised her hands and captured the lot in individual bubbles of solid light.


“Good job Suzie!” Smirked the Thing, punching the palm of his hand. “You set’em up, I’ll knock’em down.” Moving the captured lava monsters closer to Ben for him to strike, Susan gasped when the ground beneath her feet gave way. “What the hell…” The ground suddenly opened under Susan’s feet just wide enough that she fell through into the earth which closed up behind her afterwards, leaving only a crack in the stonework where she once stood.


Jumping out of the Fantasticar and stretching to reach the spot where Susan disappeared, Reed clawed at the ground, digging in a futile effort to find his wife. “Susan, if you can hear me, we’ll get you out of there.”


“I think we’s gots problems of our own stretch!” Said the Thing, hoisting Mr. Fantastic back up to his feet in the nick of time before a molten hot fist of slag and rock came down where he was crouched. Without Susan nearby to maintain her force fields, the magma monsters were free, and were slowly surrounding the three remaining heroes.




Looking out of the window over looking the city and Central Park, Alicia was a mix of emotions. On one hand, this was the very first time she was seeing the city overhead with her eyes; seeing the flow of traffic and the skyscrapers in the distance, it was almost overwhelming, on the other hand she was worried sick as she could see the fight in the park off in the distance. It worried her for the first time realising what was going on.


“What do I do?” Holding herself more tightly and ignoring the softness of her larger breasts press up. Alicia turned to look away from the window when she heard the elevator in front of her ‘ding’ and open. Looking forward she was shocked to find one of Susan’s adult sons skulk out and sniff the hallway, instantly seeing her and growl. Slowly backing up, the male matched her step by step. Looking around, she tried to find a weapon, anything. Looking over to the side table of the living room, she picked up a vase and threw it at the brute, the object shattering when it was swiped away with a casual backhand.


Finding something else, Alicia looked over to the dining table where she found Franklin’s math homework, grabbed the text book and threw it. As soon as it was caught in mid air by the hissing monster, it stopped. Fluttering its eyes and looking briefly stunned, the creature slowly regained its senses and looked down at the grade-school text book in its clawed hand. “Hi… Poten… Nuse… Hypotenuse… A hypotenuse is the longest side of a right-angled triangle.” Standing straight and looking less threatening, Alicia was confused herself. Looking back at the dining table, she picked up another book on the table, one she didn’t recognise and gasped. Pages upon pages of information flooded her mind, filling her to the brim until it suddenly stopped.


“Qué en el mundo acabo de leer?" Shaking her head, Alicia looked down at the book in her hand which read ‘4th grade Spanish’. It suddenly dawned on her, heading over to the wall where a collection of books and novels sat, Alicia gasped in between books she pulled out before making a small pile in her hands and going back to the still confused creature and shoving them in its hands.


“Webster’s English dictionary, Einstein’s Papers on Relativity, Flowers for Algernon and Ben’s sports catalogue!”




Struggling against the mass of rock and earth that formed a hand wrapped around her, Susan descended deep into the earth where she was brought forth before the drooling, smirking form of the Mole Man. With her many senses, Susan felt like being sick in his presence, to her, he looked… Rotten. Hunched, twisted, deformed, the Mole Man hobbled off his seat and with the aid of a cane made his way towards the struggling woman with a crooked smile. His eyes guarded by a slit visor that protected him from intense light and heat making him look almost cyclopean with a mat of greasy black hair.


“Ah, my plan succeeded, I knew that if I made such an entrance so close to your surface dwelling, I would get your attention.” Chuckling to himself and making a slight dance on his way towards her, the Mole Man freed her right hand so he could kiss it, the act making her feel vile and sneer back in response.


“Once again Susan Storm I beseech you to join my hand in marriage, abandon the Reed Richards for ME! Mole Man; the king of the underworld.”


Pausing in her struggle to break free, Susan could only blink in surprise. “Really? This again?”


Waving his hands out to showcase his realm, the hunched dwarf turned and waved his hands over to a subterranean pocket that opened, revealing geodes of precious gems and ores. “Look at the treasures my kingdom can create, am I not more worthy than him? A beautiful woman deserves a beautiful kingdom and I can offer you that.”


Susan practically ignored the Mole Man as he continued, showing more and more crystalline treasures from his realm, instead all she could hear was the whispering voice in her head, the venomous whispers that told her the squat creature in front of her was toxically incompatible with her. ‘kill him, unworthy, unworthy, he threatens the swarm, kill for the swarm, kill him…’ With a hiss of effort, the earth and stone holding her tight, began to crack and yield. Eventually the Mole Man was forced to stop when he heard the stone begin to crack behind him. Curious he turned around and found a talon around his neck, hoisting him up several feet up in the air by the very woman he had imprisoned.


Only now it no longer looked like Susan Storm! Her face looked reptilian, sickly green and almost translucent. Gnarled horns curved out from the sides of her head where her ears should have been. Her golden blonde hair had become a slithering mass of coiling tentacles that snapped and squirmed behind her and around her shoulders. Her slit yellow eyes stared daggers into the small man as her lips curled back in a sneer that showed off her rows of razor-sharp teeth.


“Wha… Where is Susan Storm, who are you?” Sputtered the man, struggling against the talon holding him up but not finding the strength to free himself, her grip was like steel. “What’s wrong? I thought I was the most beautiful woman you ever laid eyes on?”


Shaking his head and squirming to get free, Susan tilted her head with a dark smile, her eyes narrowing. “This is me Mole Man, if you loved me as much as Reed does you’d love ALL of me, warts in all.”


“MONSTER! Let me go!” punching her hand to try and get free, his strikes did nothing. Pinning him against a wall and gripping him with both talons, the pudgy midget whimpered as her face never changed her predatory sultry look. “Now, now, I think you might change your mind… After a kiss.”






Fighting for their lives, Johnny, Ben and Reed contended with the molten elementals until something strange happened. All at once, the elementals stopped in their tracks, the searing heat that gave them life instantly went cold. Some went limp and fell over while others crumbled into rocks. Looking around confused, they didn’t know what was going on until they noticed a patch of earth on the ground bulk and break before the tell tale of Susan’s invisible force field pushed out a way to the surface and Susan floated back up to hover a few feet in the air and land, licking her lips and fingers clean of something before waving them over.


“SUSAN!” Running up to his wife, Reed hugged her tightly before letting her go. “I thought I lost you a second time, what happened?”


“Yeah, all the big rock monsters just went and died.”


“Yeah… All except THIS big lug.” Joked the Human Torch and getting a dirty look back from the Thing for it.


Licking a few specs of blood off her lip, she smiled back at her family and tilted her shoulder. “Oh, it was nothing, turns out the Mole Man pulled all of this to get a kiss out of me.”


“Really?... Pff, hope it was worth it.” Smiled Reed, shaking his head.


“Oh, don’t worry Reed, it was a killer.” Breathing in sharply, it made her sick that she had let her worse self take control, or did she? Every sense of her being told her to kill the Mole Man for being a threat to her swarm, but she didn’t WANT her swarm any more, didn’t she? Returning to the Fantasticar, the four made ready to leave before Reed hesitated and turned to face his wife.


“By the way Susan, you had something important to tell me?”


“Well… I had some work done, that’s why I was away for so long, what do you think?” Giving her husband a model worthy pose, she showed off her now larger assets and younger complexion, blowing him a kiss and a wink, something that made the man look away with a blush. “Well… You didn’t have to Susan.”


“Oh, believe me Reed, you’re a better pick than the Mole Man.”


Once everyone was in their seat, the Fantastic Four returned to the Baxtor Building.

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