

by C.King
Storyline The Yes Man's Ring
Previous Chapter He-man/Prince Adam

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Adam had discovered the ring, followed by long hours of research about it's secrets. Learning about the ring which could help him make anyone agree with him, he had thoughts of using it to bring peace to Eternia. However, he wanted to test it out. To make sure.

'And how better then to test it out here on Etheria. I can help the Great Rebellion defeat the Evil Horde. As well as have some fun with it as well. Nothing says I can do go and enjoy myself at the same time.' thought Prince Adam as he got the Sorceress to agree to open a portal. His parents were glad to agree for him to visit his sister and see if she was doing well.

'It also doesn't hurt that both the Rebellion and the Horde have many beautiful women. Many of them flirt with Adam as well as He-man. Unlike Eternia, which has much fewer. Mainly Teela, the Sorceress and Evil-Lyn. So let's see what happens when I indulge a little.' he thought as the blond haired man he walked towards the Whispering Woods. Trying to avoid the Horde Patrols, since he didn't want to confront them... yet.

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