
Diana realizes too late that this counts as surrender. to a man. By the Gods decree, she is Tony's slave and must obey him in all things!

by FreakyFrealy
Storyline Wonder woman's hooker adventure
Characters Wonder Woman
Previous Chapter Wonder Woman accepts to have sex with Tony

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Diana realized that by the decree of the gods she was now Tony's slave. At first she did not care the dirty sex was too exciting. She was very obedient to Tony who thought he had broke her into submission with his sexual skills. He felt very lucky to have such a hot one in his stable. Tina said nothing. She felt it was not the right time to use her knowledge about the fact that Pussy the whore was Wonder Woman. In fact Tina was glad to have Tony making her working with the super heroin. Tina knew she could protect her both and she had to admit that Diana was someone very gentle and pleasant to hang with. Tina was curious too to see how far the former champion of virtue would go in sexual perversion.
During the two weeks that followed Tony decided soon to take Pussy with him wherever he went. He took Tina with them since she seemed to be good teacher for Pussy. At first his idea was to show his new hot whore but in a matter of days he grew very fond of her. So after two weeks when Pussy said she had to take care of her old mother during day, Tony let her go making her promise she would be back at night. It was very unusual for Tony to do so but he was in love with the magnificent whore. The old mother lie was the only idea Diana has found to continue a normal life of a sort despite being Tony's slave. She could had found something clever and even ask her friends for help but she had too admit that she was excited by the situation. Being the sex slave of such a man excited her a lot and giving him the money she prostituted herself for was too. Even if Tony was having her working less and less keeping her for his personal use.
After three months Tony was totally in love with Diana and he was no longer whoring her. In fact he had become very gentle with her. To him she was the most beautiful, intelligent and sweetest woman he has ever met. It had even nice consequences for Tina, since she was a good friend with woman that Tony loved, he was more gentle with the street whore too. When Tony decide to propose Diana, he felt weird but deep in his heart he knew he had to do it. The gods heard the proposal and, as Eros suggested, they decided to give back her free will to Diana for her answer to the pimp proposal.

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