
Days later the Fantastic Four arrive in the Abomination's city-nest.

by Anzaleth
Storyline Abominable Avengers
Characters Fantastic Four
Category Marvel Corruption Transformation
Previous Chapter Wasp is pumped full

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Days later, the Fantastic Four's spacecraft headed back towards Earth.

"Well, watta relief that's over," the Thing said. "We certainly sent those Skrulls packing."

"Yeah, but I'm beat," Johnny said. "I can't wait to kick-back and relax in front of the tube."

"It will be nice to take a break," Reed said. "I almost hope that -- wait."

As the craft entered the atmosphere, Reed's eyes narrowed.

"What is it?" Sue asked.

"I'm getting some terrified readings," Reed said. "Oh my Lord. New York has been destroyed."

"But haven't the Avengers--"

"It WAS the Avengers."

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