
Using this as leverage to ask for a favor.

by CJ
Storyline Susan Storm's Secret Life
Characters Invisible Woman
Category Corruption Marvel
Previous Chapter A sleazy reporter

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Approaching 'Suzanne' proved a trickier job then he thought. He couldn't exactly go up to the Baxter Building and demand a meeting with her. He finally settled on approaching her at the club. The dancers were encouraged to walk the floor between sets to interact with the clients and try to get them to buy the dancers drinks (which were heavily watered down).


Susan couldn't believe she had allowed herself to be talked into this, even as she stood outside the hotel. It had seemed a simple enough favor to grant to the sleezy reporter who had found out her secret. She had almost had a heart attack when she had read the note passed along with a drink at the club, 'Susan Storm-Richards, I know your secret' it read.

She went over to meet the man that sent the drink over, he slid over a folder to her and when she looked inside, it contained pictures of her wearing a black rubber dress, latex stocking, and high heels. There were two pictures one that looked like she did right now with the dark hair and subtly different facial features and the other without the perception field as her real self. As she looked up at him he said "'Hello 'Suzanne', my name is Ralph and I have no plans to give those to anyone, I just wanted you to know that I am doing you a favor of keeping your secret, and in return I was wondering if you would do me a favor in return."

That is when he told her about his friend, Trent, who is a big latex and rubber fan and getting married next month. Ralph was arranging a bachelor party for him and wanted her to dance at it. Just dance he reassured her, no sex, no pictures, and no drugs, though there would be alcohol. Just come in and strip, give the groom a bit of attention and then collect your tips and get dressed and go home.

She remembered thinking it sounded to easy, and of course there was the not stated threat of changing his mind about not telling anyone her secret if she refused. Susan Storm however had experience thinking under pressure. Susan couldn't outright refuse, but maybe she could negotiate. So she started asking questions about when this party was and where. She couldn't really do much about the timing of the event as it was the day before the wedding, but she also wasn't really thrilled about walking into an unknown location. Some might think her paranoid, but then she and her family really did have enemies that wouldn't hesitate to ambush her at her most vulnerable moment. She recommended a hotel she remembered Johnny talking about going to parties at a few times. She remembered him mentioning them bringing in 'exotic dancers' through a service elevator to avoid publicity. Ralph agreed if she would pay for half the fees as her suggestion was a bit upscale for his price range.

So here she was outside the hotel wearing a trench coat over her stripper outfit about to go up to the party in one of the top floor suites.

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