
Captain Atom, the last survivor of the League sacrifices himself to destroy the creatures.

by mercury01
Storyline Power Species
Characters Power Girl Wonder Woman Starfire
Category DC Fat Corruption Pregnancy Transformation
Previous Chapter All of the above.

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Karen could just make out a shape with her enhanced vision, a low purr escaping her lips at what she spotted. Flying faster than any of the fighters before him was the last surviving League member, Captain Atom. With a single thought Karen sent her thousands of children to intercept him, amused at his last ditch efforts to stop her and her sisters. With the swarm amassing over him Atom channelled his energies into his hands and sent forth a blast of dark light that cascaded around him. When the energies struck the creatures the three matriarchs were shocked to find their beautiful children reduced to stray sparks and ashes raining down like black snow.


Karen roared and took to the air, her bloated, colossal body lifting up with a speed that belied her gravid form. Diana and Kori joined her, sneering at the sight of the military power arrayed against them. The swarm circled like a terrifying tornado, blanking out the stars above.

This one is mine, Karen's psychic voice commanded. She dove to meet him head on.

The Captain grit his teeth and clenched his fists, channeling his power until his silvery form grew cherry red, flooding the landscape with heavy light. Karen grinned, her sensuously-lipped mouth splitting to reveal her saber-like teeth. A dull sensation overwhelmed her, as if the light was sapping a portion of her strength.

Red sun radiation, she concluded. How cute.

The Captain flew at her, striking her in the jaw and snapping her head back. The blow almost hurt! And her reflexes were slowed, too. Rather than annoyance, she felt only glee. This gnat thought he could defeat her. He had perhaps a fraction of a percentile of a chance, and Karen was feeling generous.

Attack! Diana and Kori directed the horde, and they descended on the soldiers and artillery. They hadn't counted on humanity turning to desperate measures: a dozen villains were prepared to battle the inhuman monstrosities. Toyman had a complete set of giant robots that engaged with Diana and Kori, occupying the two matriarchs while their children fought below.

The fight quickly became a massacre. Gorilla Grodd attempted to use his psychic powers, but he howled in pain as the swarm's gestalt consciousness overwhelmed him. Similarly, Parasite tried to drain the beasts as they approached him, but his mind attuned to the swarm in doing so, and he was sucked into it! The soldiers and weaponry, though powerful, were lambs to the slaughter.

Not even Lex Luthor's intellect could protect him. He fought with every strategy and tactic he could muster, blasting the monsters as he led them into disintegration traps and teleport chambers of Cadmus design. In the end, he went down too, chitinous claws cracking open his armour like a lobster's shell, and with the same gruesome result.

Captain Atom fought with a ferocity that surprised himself. Karen fought back, amazed at her own strength despite the glowin energy Captain Atom was putting out. It occured to her that she was so far beyond Kryptonian that red sun radiation barely affected her anymore.

"Won't let you win," the Captain gasped, raining blows against Karen's scaly skin. If he could have, he would have been sweating. It was impossible. All reports said that this creature used to be Power Girl, so the red light should have diminished her strength! It dawned on him that she was merely toying with him... He spiraled up towards her head, hoping to throw her off balance with one last desperate attack.

Karen's claw lashed out, breaching his suit, rending it open like it was silk. "No!" he shouted, feeling the nuclear energy within him building to a critically unstable level. He dove towards the swarming horde on the ground, intent on taking them with him while they were occupied with attacking the ground forces. Karen quickly deduced his strategy and dove after him. He glanced back just in time to see her massive maw opening, and he was quickly sucked into her gullet and gulped down whole.

She landed in the midst of the carnage. Diana and Kori had dismantled Toyman's robots with ease, and their children made short work of the military. Karen smiled.

She felt something strange inside her and clutched her stomach with a pair of her claws.

What troubles you, sister? Diana asked with concern.

Just... something I ate, Karen groaned. It feels... good...! She let out a low moan as the Captain's nucleus of pure energy filled her. Intense heat spread from her belly to her every extremity, but it didn't diminish. In fact, it was getting hotter, like there was a star inside her!

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