
Wrong Thing To Say.

by Jazze
Storyline Waking up in Vegas
Previous Chapter The Reporter's Reaction.

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"I can't believe what you are saying, Diana." Lois spat out. The reporter was angry at this situation and she was going to let it out. "You are the Princess of the Amazons and you are letting a piece of paper defeat you and make you part of a harem."

Diana's eyes widened in shock and a little fear at what she heard Lois was saying. No one had read the magical marriage contract so they didn't have a clue to the conditions and terms of said contract. That didn't even include the punishment for thinking, saying, or actively getting out of the contract. Peter, Jean, Karen, and Jessica could tell from Diana's reaction that Lois was heading into a minefield. A minefield that would explode in the reporter's face and if it did so it would also explode in their faces as well. Everyone except Lois who was to angry to see straight could see the paper start to glow a little brighter.

"I don't care what it says on that piece of paper," Lois stated. "But I'm going to find a way out of this marriage and I suggest you people do the same."

Diana muttered something harshly in ancient Greek. No one could understand what she said but everyone there knew it was something you didn't say in polite company.

"Oh shit." Peter softly said but everyone heard his curse as the marriage contract flashed brightly.

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