
Marvel Universe

by colleem
Storyline Selective Breeding
Previous Chapter The Mission

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The Weather in the Central Park changed within seconds from a peaceful December Night with no clouds into a dark clouded stormy one. The few People that were still in the park felt the raising electricity in the Air and some primal instinct told them that this was something bad. For a City like New York it was never a good sign when something like that happened. And then came the first bolt wandering in the dark clouds. Normally it wouldn’t be something strange to see such an effect in a storm cloud, but this one wasn’t blue. It was made out of a deep purple energy and then another purple bolt moved towards a theoretical centre of the cloud. It took some time until the People, too stupid to run or extreme brave, noticed that all of the lightning bolts hit the same place in cloud. Not one of them moved to the Earth. Soon there was an explosion of Bolts and ty could only stare at more than 30 bolts per minute only raising in intensity. Even the bravest one started to run now as the sky over the Park was coloured in a deep purple now. 
And then it was over. A dangerous Aura of Silence was over the whole Park. Not one single Owl raised its voice. Nature itself waited silent for whatever would follow now. With a burst loud enough to rival a nuke a purple lightning bold hit the Park. Even Thor himself would have to focus to create such a giant energy. With the speed of light the bolt hit the Park, vaporise everything in a 50 feet area. Plants, Earth and man-made Buildings simply ended to exist.

Baxter Building
Reed looked up from his monitor as every Light in the Lap started to blink in a dangerous red light. It took only seconds until the Computer had located an immense energy field in New York. One by one the rest of the Fantastic Four stormed the Lap.

What is it this time Stretch? Please let it be a giant Space Bug. Haven’t had one for three weeks. I miss them. 

Ben said but even with his Joke it was clear that he knew that this would be something big. The best Signal for this was that Reed ignored him fully. The Man who was called the greatest Genius of the Planet moved his Body so abstract that Be couldn’t even follow his Body.

Susan waited a few seconds but then she managed it to gather Reeds attention.
It is a wormhole. Unbelievable. A stable Wormhole in our atmosphere.

Ah Reed. Don’t we too use your Wormhole thing to travel? Johnny asked him.

Not the same Johnny. This field is about … for a second all three members of the Fantastic Four could see Fear on Reeds face… about 28962% stronger than ours. This field is strong enough to drain everything in it and bring it to another position in another Time or Place.

Susan feared the next question but she had to ask. Do you mean the whole Planet?

Suddenly Reed stopped the movement and turned towards his Wife and with a shocking low voice he answered.

No Susan. Not only the Earth. I mean it will absorb the whole Solar System.

Quinn Jet X-76

The Avengers had just returned from Wakanda to celebrate the Day of the Panther as Iron Man, Capt. America, Black Panther, Thor, Wasp and the Hulk tried to get some rest. But the time of Smalltalk and funny Jokes were over as they saw the giant beam over New York. Without any further thinking Steve disabled the Auto-Pilot and pushed the main Engine way over the security Levels to Maximum Trust. The sudden acceleration send some of the Avengers to the found and only Black Panther managed it to stay on his Feed and smiled at he saw that he was the only one. 
Before the other were on the feet again the Jet had reached his top speed and moved with unmatched speed over the Water towards New York. The speed was high enough so behind the Jet was an over 100 feet long water wall. And then everything went dark.

Iron Mans armour, maybe the most advanced Tech on this Planet could handle EMP with a multiply of Nuclear Warheads, but this Energy Output was too much for him. Even the ARC Reactor in his Chest stopped working but it was a vital Part for him and so he had built in enough safety Locks so it reactivated almost at once. 

We have a total System Crash. We going down. Informed Steve the others. He knew that only Hulk and Thor could survive a Crash with Mach 13. In this case his super advanced Body wouldn’t help him. They would simply be crushed and ripped apart.

But before the Jet crashed into one of the Harbour Buildings Thor even matched the Speed of the Jet. 

Blondie is faster than stupid jet. 

Hulk said and looked impressed. Nobody had seen Thor moving this fast ever before and thanks to his godlike Strength he was able to reduce the impact just enough to make sure that everyone inside was surviving it without greater injuries. Anyway, they destroyed three Buildings and created a long crater. After they left the totally wrecked Airplane they looked around. Not only the plane had had a totally blackout but also the whole City was dead.

We have to move to the Park. Hulk you carry Tony. I will call for Backup. Steve said and took out his Avenger Card and said.

Avengers Assemble. 

But even the quantum based communication of the Cards was dead. 

Hurry we have to move.

As the Avengers arrived in the Park the Fantastic Four were already there. Also every Police officer that was close enough. They saw that Reed gave them the Order to get everyone out of the Park and shutting it down. 

Do you see that? He looks worried. Why does he look worried? I don’t like it when Mr. Fantastic is worried. Wasp said as Hulk laid the still imprisoned Iron Man to the Ground.

Tony finally managed to restart his armour and he moved to Reed. Only Black Panther followed him and the rest of the Avengers moved to the waiting Members of the Fantastic Four. This wasn’t the time for fighting or anything that they could handle with muscles. All stared at the suddenly shrinking Hulk, transforming back to Bruce Banner. The brilliant Mind ran half naked to the other scientists and all three of them seemed to be very nervous.

I cannot remember when our friend Hulk let him out so peaceful. Thor said and the others nodded. It was a bad omen when even the Hulk sensed that he was powerless against this. 

All of them stared at a small but growing violet energy bubble that was absorbing energy right out the constant beam. 

Okay Reed. What do we have we here? Negative Zone, Parallel Universe, Cosmic Entity or worse? Tony asked Reed who looked at his friend and said.

Worse. What we see here is a Black hole with the mass of Petra Xe4-a.

This is the Black Hole in the Center of our Galaxy. This is simply impossible. If this would be that big we wouldn’t talk here. 

 I know Tony. I don’t understand it either. Look at the readings. 

Mhm Quantum flow out of the scale. Gravimetric waves by 8 x 10¹³? But only two inch at the Fields outer scale. This can only mean….

Yes Tony. This isn’t a natural Phenomenon. Someone is controlling this Power. Someone is trying to build up a portal right through the centre of our Galaxy.

I don’t know what this is but look at the Gamma radiation. There is a pulse. Here. Again. It becomes faster and faster. Whatever it is it will be over in 38 min and 2seconds from….. Now. Banner said and finally an Agent of Shield came to them but all he was able to archive was a low powered Repulsor Beam from Tony. Right now they couldn’t need any distraction.

28 minutes later the 7. Regiment of the National Guard and almost every Military Unit close by where stationed around the Sphere. Two SatCom Star killer Satellites, each armed with an 8 megawatt Particle Gun, were in Firing Arc. Even if each Beam would be strong enough to level half of the City the President had said that he would fire them if the Heroes would fail in the case of an Invasion.
Most heroes had also gathered in the Park and even some of the Villains had offered their Help. All knew that whatever was creating this Wormhole was a major Player. Even the great Dr. Doom had left his Building and in a fragile Peace Reed and the others had worked together. But all the combined Power had been in vain. No Force field, no Tech had worked and in they desperation they had even asked the mightiest Wizard of all, Dr Strange, to help them. But his strongest Spell was useless against the sheer Power of the Black Hole. The unbelievable Gravitation inside the Force field was strong enough to absorb Arcane Energy.

Now it was almost finished. Only seconds to wait and then maybe the end of Human Race was close. Maybe it would be a being that would try to help them bit that was more a dream than reality.

Without any Sound or Explosion or anything the effect just vanished from one second to another. The only thing that was left was a naked red haired Woman. Within Seconds the surrounding Material was destroyed at atomic Levels and new created. It took only 10 second till the beautiful Woman was dressed and a Dog Tag formed around her Neck. 

Pepper, Mercedes
Sergeant Alpha Alpha Class

As soon as she had materialized the situation had been a bit better and most of the surrounding People started to breathe again. But some of the Villains saw their Possibility to take advance and capture the Woman. 

Letting his Disguise fall Loki teleported next to the Woman and tried to teleport back to his hidden Hideout in Asgardian with her, but suddenly he felt his Body tearing apart from the inside. All that the shocked Heroes saw how the mighty Asgardian God was put apart cell by cell. The last scream echoed through the Universe in never ending Agonie. This was too much for the already frightened Villains. All of them started to attack and the Military too started to fire with everything they had. Hundreds of Battle Tanks fired their Armour Piercing Bullets when suddenly a beam of light penetrated the Clouds over the City. Someone in the Pentagon must have lost his Nerves and had ordered a direct Orbital Bombardment. Nothing on Earth could withstand these Particle Beams which were originally created to destroy Mother ships or battle Galactus. It was a direct hit but most of the energy was absorbed by the unknown Woman. The Rest was still enough to level half of the Park but nothing happened. As the shocked Heroes looked to the sky they could see a force field like Susan´s. But this one was strong enough to stay stable even as both orbital Weapons focused a rapid fire on New York. But the massive Firepower was even for the Intruder too much. The Force field started to break, but it was too late. She had all the information she needed. Thousands of Years genetically combination was hard to calculate. But now she had the information which Super Hero had to mate with each other. Even some non-Heroes where needed to create just the right DNA strings and combinations so that in her own time the certain Hero would be born. The rest of them were only useless distraction. With a blink of an eye the massive Shield broke down and it seemed fully random as it captured some of the Heroes, Villains or Humans. Then the last Beam penetrated the sky and Pepper absorbed just enough Energy to teleport away from here. The impact was later rated as a 290 megaton explosion but the effect was limited on the Borderline of the Central Park. The main City did only felt the earth shacking aftershock of the detonation and the park was gone. A hole great enough to park the Hellicarrier was there where seconds before was the proud Park of New York. Only the People inside the Force fields had survived this blast without any scratch. Sergeant Pepper reappeared on the Top of the World Trade Centre One and nodded. It was sad that she had to destroy the Park but it would have been destroyed anyway in the Alien Invasion 2578a.D. now Phase Two would start. Croatia the correct Partnerships and sexual encounters that were necessary to create her Future.

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