
Doctor Strange changes his costume and his hair

by Anzaleth
Storyline Transforming the Illuminati
Characters Dr. Strange Professor X
Category Marvel Gender Switch Mind Control Transformation
Previous Chapter What was the emergency Tony called them for anyways?

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"Hello, sir," Wong said as Dr. Strange entered his sanctum. "Would you like to--"

"Excuse me, Wong, I need to be alone," the sorcerer mumbled.

He vanished into his meditation room and closed the door behind.

Once alone, Dr. Strange moaned as he rubbed his body, his mind filled with images of Umar, sister to his arch-nemesis Dormammu and mother of his ex-wife Clea.

Umar filled his dreams as Dr. Strange rubbed his penis. No, not wanting to fuck her, but to BE like her. To be so glamorous and sophisticated, dressed in a gorgeous flowing robe and bedecked with glimmering jewellery. To have men eating out of the palm of his hand. To have no mission in life save to be worshipped.

Some of Dr. Strange's morality remained, he didn't want to conquer the universe or anything. But to be pampered and idolized, to rule men's hearts....

He muttered a spell and suddenly his mustache was gone and his hair was long and flowing black. He still had his cloak and amulet, but his outfit had otherwise become a long dress with a slit that showed plenty of leg.

Dr. Strange cooed as he rubbed his dick while his waist shrunk and his hips expanded. He wasn't becoming a woman -- no, a feminine man was what was grabbing his mind.

Gawd, he'd never realized how fit and sexy Wong was before, and Dr. Strange had seen him showering. The boy was really hung....

* * *

Professor X nervously bit his lip as he masturbated in his office. Last day had stirred up so much stuff, hard to keep it straight.

He could walk again, that was great, but ironically had been spending most of his time sitting down, strange visions coming through his brain.

He knew how much attention the female X-Men got: Storm and Jean and Psylocke and especially Emma. Emma....

Didn't Professor X deserve that attention. Wasn't it time for him to have some fun, sashay around and enjoy himself in front of some sexy studs?

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