
Ariel is turned into a Scylla

by Anzaleth
Storyline Disney Princess Corruption
Characters Disney Princesses
Category Disney Chimeric Corruption Transformation
Previous Chapter One has a wicked idea

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Jasfar and Malefora stood in front of an aquarium and intoned their spell and in a burst of black smoke, Ariel appeared there, her fishtail twitching.

"What's going on?" Ariel asked.

"Oh, you'll find out in a moment," Jasfar chuckled as she poured the vial into the water.

The water began to darken and churn as Ariel's skin turned purple. "What's happening to meeeeeee!"

The evil queens licked their lips as Ariel's tail darkened to black and then split into eight tentacles... eight writhing very phallic tentacles.

"What's happ--mmmpphh!"

One of the tentacles thrust itself into Ariel's mouth, while two more squeezed her tits.

The evil queens watched the show.

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