
Wicked Witch Tome: The Birth of Mistress Strange

by DoctorMoreau
Storyline Wicked Witch Tome
Characters Dr. Strange Wong
Category Corruption Corruption Body Modification Mind Control Transformation Marvel Masturbation Gender Switch Muscle Growth Chimeric Female Dom Futanari/Hermaphrodite
Previous Chapter Wicked Witch Tome: It Hungers

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Of course it was Doctor Stephen Strange who first found the Tome residing in some hole between dimensions.  He knew upon seeing it that it was dark magic, but felt confident that it was safer in his keeping than stuck between realms.  Little did he know that he was already falling under it’s sway as he first opened the tome merely to examine it’s contents, impressed by the simplicity yet power of the spells inside he began to consider experimenting with them.  

He started simple, merely reconstructing a powerful druidic staff he had in to a broom instead.  The new form felt very natural for his first transformation.  However, it’s true power lay in it’s power to transform other living creatures as shifting preferences caused him to eyeball his assistant and protector, Wong.  

Stephen realized he had no need of an assistant so much as a slave to keep away pesky heroes who might bother him for help as they were so prone to do.

He cast his second spell to make Wong stronger and more brutish, more able to defend him from intruders, Stephen’s goatee began to fall out, even as his face became smoother and more feminine.  His hair grew out quickly, long but disheveled and tangled, as though he hadn’t taken a brush to the rat’s nest in some time.

Next he cast a flurry of changes that would make Wong more useful and less human.  Large wings sprouted from his back as Stephen let out a small feminine cackle to a thinning of his own waste and a swelling of his hips and rear.

Inhuman teeth and claws were next on his monstrous creation.  Stephen’s chest began to swell, even as a satisfaction washed over his body as he admired his handy-work so far.

He became more and more aroused even as his manhood shrunk, his testicles retreating in to his body.  Strange’s thoughts turned to the sexual, as his old gender and new one collided in his loins. He found himself contemplating how Wong might look as both female and male at once.  Ironically, that chant spelled the end of his manhood even as it became a female sex, the slit darker than a human’s and dripping with corrupt juices.

By the time he was done reshaping Wong in to a bat-like muscled demon hermaphrodite with a huge cock Stephen would be more accurate to call herself a Stephanie, her right hand fingers plunged in to her own wet cunt as her left hand flipped the pages of the dark book, her skin slightly green and getting worse as she had continued to alter Wong to her changing tastes.

Of course she was done with Wong, and craved new victims and potential sisters in her new nature.  She would have to keep casting spells from the book if she wanted to master it’s dark potential and complete her own transformation.

It was a simple matter for his Cloak of Levitation to become more of a shawl; still bound by the Eye of Amagatto which now seemed to take on a more sinister cast.  She mounted her broom (though she had no need of it as Dr. Strange had long since mastered the creation of magic portals), it felt right.  She opened one and sat on the broom, riding it through her portal and to her next victim or sister.

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