
"Bat-Mannequin" is given a new outfit

by jmony777
Storyline The Mannequin
Characters Batman
Category M/F Humiliation
Previous Chapter Mad Hatter states his rules to the game

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"Communicate with me Batman! Let's see what you like!"

Batman was still in shock! How was this happening. He was a mannequin in every way. He even weighed like one. These two brutes were carrying he like a paperweight! As they walked her through the mall, they rounded the cosmetics section. At that point, the crime fighter began to notice something was amiss, not just what was obvious with his physical disposition, but also his sense of perception and internal makeup. He felt so much like a girl. A girly-girl. He felt pretty!

With all his training, he tried to get such thoughts out of his mind before the Mad Hatter picked up on them. He needed to remember his situation and his crimefighting purpose. He stood for justice. He was calculating and merciless. He struck fear into the fearless. He was a knight. The Dark Knight.

"No you're not Batsy. You're a princess!"

The Hatter picked up on the thought. And as they continued to head past the aisles, Batman's desire for makeup, eyeliners and all things frilly deepened. It tormented the Dark Knight, while at the same time, excited him.

"Pink or Black Batsy?" communicated the Mad Hatter.

Batman's mind tried to resist. He used all his might, all his training, all his mind strength...that same strength that was able to resist the Hatter's previous mind tricks, the Joker's mind games and even Ivy's seductive pheromones. And with an internal scream that came out as a shriek...the hero communicated...pink.

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