
Toyman heads to Metropolis

by Anzaleth
Storyline The Mannequin
Characters Batman
Category DC Transformation
Previous Chapter Duchess has fun with the two mannequins

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Toyman grinned as the private plan touched down in Metropolis. Now for some real fun! His own line of living dolls! Collect the set! Now, it didn't seem right to start with Superman. Yes, he'd start a little smaller and work his way up. Now, who should be first?

* * *

"Oooo! OOO!" Batman thought. "Since Catwoman is so kitty-like, that prince should be like some lion or somethin'! Like, really big and tough with a big black mane, and maybe wearing an animal skin. Like some handsome barbarian or something! And Two-Face! Oooo, have of him is really pretty an' blonde an' sugar an' sweet an' the other half is still pretty but with black hair an' more goth-type outfit. Yeah, an' - an' Mr Freeze is all cold an' stuff so he should look like a Nordic princess like in 'Frozennnnnn!'"

Mad Hatter chuckled as he typed at the computer. "Give me a moment, precious. I'm just entering all your codes, codes that will transfer all your funds to me, as well as get me access to the Batcave."

"Awwwwww!" Batman pouted on the inside. Why was Mad Hatter focusing on boring stuff like funds and Batcaves when he could be focusing on important things like her and giving her more princess friends?

"Just give me a moment!"

"Oooo! OO!! I wuv you, Ivy! But I wuv YOU, Mr. J!" Duchess was playing with the Ivy and Joker mannequins as if they were dolls, pushing them into a big embrase, rubbing their plastic lips together, and pretending to speak as them "Wuv you! Wuv you!"

Inside their shells, the two mannequins were in ecstasy. They wanted to lose themselves in each other's embrace....

* * *

Toyman smirked as he located Superman's associate Lana Lang. A good person to start with as any....

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