
Gambit is meeting Emma, who has been manipulating him.

by Anzaleth
Storyline Gambit's Affair
Characters X-Men Emma Frost Gambit
Category Marvel Mind Control Gender Switch
Previous Chapter Gambit wears a sexy red dress

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"Oh, sorry I am late!" Gambit cooed as he arrived at the club. "Eet took a while to get everything ready."

"It is quite all right, my dear," Emma cooed. "The others are just arriving. Why don't we go and join them."

She adjusted her opulent fur coat and diamond necklace and then took Gambit's arm and guided him to the next room.

It had took a long time, a lot of psychic manipulation, but Emma Frost had finally installed in certain of the male X-Men a desire to mince around in dresses and heels, like a bunch of sophisticated and sexy ladies, and now it was finally the night for them to go out in public like that.

"You'll be a big hit, my dear," Emma cooed.

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