
(This chapter from Batman's perspective.)

by Solarsearcher
Storyline The Masterplan
Characters Batman Poison ivy
Category Mind Control
Previous Chapter That night, Batman goes to Gotham Square- heart of Ivy's forest- and confronts Poison Ivy.

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Batman's Perspective

The man who had bravely tried to tackle the hologram went down first when the hologram exploded. Batman dropped right on top of him and landed hard on his leg. He screamed as Batman moved away from his body, howling to the smoke-filled sky.

There were near thirty remaining henchmen, but none of them could properly see him. He needed to strike first or risk being swarmed from all sides. Jumping forward to the nearest man, Batman kicked with the bottom of his foot into his side. He grunted and twisted over his own side, letting Batman grab his overturned head, pull it to the side, and drop an elbow onto his outstretched neck.

He wouldn't be breathing anytime within the next ten seconds, so Batman left him to his suffering as another henchman ran forward through the smoke in an attempt to locate him. Batman rolled to the side of the man's shortened line of vision, letting him pass and trip over the one that wasn't breathing. The Dark Knight returned to that man and stomped on the back of his head, violently driving his face into the concrete of Gotham Square.

The man Batman had clubbed in the neck was regaining his wits and was trying to push his fallen comrade off of his body. Batman went to spring forward and knock him out, but something grabbed his ankle.

He started, looking down at his foot and finding the man whose leg he had shattered before. He was desperately clinging to Batman's foot, not letting him go.

These men were extremely loyal to Ivy, then. Simply breaking something in their bodies wasn't going to be enough. To take them out of the fight, they needed to be knocked unconscious.

Batman ducked down and rolled forward onto the man's back. When he rolled through, the man was on his shoulders. He jumped with the man into the air and drove his shoulders and neck into the head of the man who had had difficulty breathing.

He stood up over the three unconscious men. The smoke was gone. All of the others could see him. He was tempted to turn his detective vision off so he could see them clearly, but he knew that doing so could make him fall.

The men shouted as they closed in on his position. The next few moments involved Batman knocking out two more of them with his Batarangs before he had to start using his hands.

He blocked an arm swinging for his head, grabbing the unfortunate henchman's arm and dragging him to the floor on his front. Two more of them were coming for him from the rear, Batman noticed with his intuition of certain men's grunting. He turned promptly and grabbed the both of them by the neck before they could strike. Lifting them both into the air, Batman slammed the two of them together, heads colliding and putting both of them out of the fight. He tossed the both of them in opposite directions to clear out some space for himself while he turned and punted the man who he had grounded with an arm drag.

Why was it that people like Poison Ivy could never see that they were wrong? Was it that people like her could never once stop and think about what they would be doing? Or were they too caught up in what they wanted to give a damn about anyone else?

She wanted him, though. That was all she wanted. As Batman broke a man's nose with his fist and proceeded to flip him over with a leg sweep, he wondered about what he wanted. 

Maybe he was the problem here. For years, there was this perfect woman who wanted nothing more than him to stop hurting himself in fights against the underworld and simply be with her. Could he really fault her for that? This latest scheme of getting to Bruce Wayne had been about making him realize that he could live without the Batman because he was human. Why was he fighting her for that?

Two dozen of the men under Ivy's control were out of the fight, but the remaining ones weren't letting that intimidate them. Why would they keep fighting if Ivy wasn't good to them?

Four of them were left. Batman waited until they charged for him to make his move. When all four began running, he ran for them, rolling over the one in the front. The man fell down as Batman landed on his feet. He then used the Batclaw to rope in another one. Sidestepping the off-balance man, he tripped over his own feet and landed on the ground. Batman pounced on his prone body and punched him in the back of the head.

Two more came at him in another charge. He kicked them both in the head with one jump and rolled over to the final man. Batman took out his leg with an elbow to the back of the knee, then spun around and kicked the kneeling man in the face.

These people had thrown themselves into harm's way out of their love for Ivy. Why else would they do that if she didn't mean something?

He turned around slowly and faced her. Even with his detective vision on, it was still incredibly difficult not to notice her body. He could still see the red hair somewhat, but his imagination filled the rest of the view. Just the outline of her form was still enough to tempt him to turn his detective vision off.

His vision then warned him of several concentrated heat signatures approaching. He nervously glanced around himself at the vines that were creeping into the area, but none of them seemed to be going for him. In fact, they seemed to be pointedly ignoring him the way they would move through his position by traversing directly underneath him without any care if they brushed him.

Look at me. I'm giving feelings to plants. Just like Ivy. What more indication did he need to understand that they were right for each other?

While watching a few of the vines, he noticed that a few trudging through grass- grass? In Gotham Square?- to the edges of the block while dragging away the bodies of the men he had knocked out. However, there was no block for them to be taken out of. Instead, the perimeter was covered by some of the brightest and most colorful plant life he had ever seen.

Flowers with baby blue and green swirls, petals of the same mane as Ivy's hair. These plants all sprouted simultaneously, instantly making the climate feel warmer. This place was a beauty! A true wonder.

He shook his head. He wasn't seeing anything. Those colors weren't real; they couldn't be if his detective vision was on. All he could see were outlines and base colors. Maybe they looked like he could imagine them without this it?

He noticed some larger vines in the area flowing in Ivy's direction. They all joined her body and seemed to be moving body, possibly to help complement her. No, the garden wasn't the wonder. She was the wonder; a beauty that made beauty in what she did. This was just one block. He couldn't imagine what she could do with the whole city!

He felt the best he had ever felt as he saw a few vines retreating from the goddess in the garden with tatters of her clothes. Through his shielded view, he could tell that she was in her leaf-based outfit, and it made her seem even bustier. She was absolutely perfect and...


And she was using her pheromones on him.

Batman suddenly recognized the effects of pheromones on his mind. That should've been impossible; his suit had natural blockers and filters all calibrated to recognize her aromatic touch, even automatically administer antidotes to them. Somehow, she must've gotten to his suit. How had she done that?

The answer was obvious: she had gotten to someone who had access to the Batsuit. Only two people had access to it aside from him, and one never left the Wayne Enterprises building.

She got to Alfred, Batman thought with gritted teeth. He growled involuntarily.

Apparently noticing his sudden shift in demeanor, Ivy shrugged off the leaves she wore as straps of a carefully crafted bra. They fell to the grass of the garden without any wind to steer their direction. Then, she pushed out her chest and started to pluck off the leaves that formed the cups of the bra. Slowly. Slow enough to make him itch to do something to help. He raised an arm toward her reluctantly, uncertain if she would let him help. She shook her head. That was a no.

I'm not going to help her, Batman thought as he lowered his arm. She manipulated Tim to try and take over my whole family. She's going down.

Still, even if he was taking her down, it didn't mean she had to be clothed when he did it.

In order to help resist the pheromones, he diverted his mind to an alternate experience, building up his mental defense by imagining his individual cells as fighters against the flood of pheromones. It was a technique that was useful in a lot of situations where he was physically unable to do anything against his attacker, letting him remain strong in spite of torture. 

Agonizingly more painful than any other form of torture he had ever endured, she stopped pulling off leaves at the nipples. "Take a deep breath, Batman," she ordered, inhaling heavily herself.

Attacking head on might lead to her plants getting involved. Knowing it was a mistake but still needing a way to buy time, he did as she said, taking the pheromones in through the mouth. He made sure, however, to make his breath loud so that it would sound like he was taking more than he was.

He could see her jaw arrange in the form of a smile, though not the smile itself. He could also see her arm fly up in front her chin as an extended finger beckoned for him to approach her. Welcoming the excuse to get closer to her- for his attack, no other reason- he glided over blades of grass and petals. There was nowhere he could step that didn't make him crush something, so he just walked in a direct line to her.

Ivy made him stop with her palm when he was an arm's reach from her. He could smell her from here. Not just the pheromones, though he could still pick that out, but the smell of her.

He voluntarily adopted an expression of pain in his face. It wasn't hard; he was fighting himself to keep from diving right into her.

"Shhhh," Ivy soothed, stepping forward and rubbing his arms. He made sure to sag a bit to give the illusion of calming. "Don't be afraid, Batman." She pushed her hips forward slowly, pressing her thighs against his and almost straddling him. The feel of her skin made him go mad again, crazily needing her. Through his pants, his erection was almost long enough to reach her leafy area. "Don't be afraid." 

He whimpered at the thought of his dick being so near to her pussy.
She leaned up and gripped his shoulders for stability. "I'll take care of you," she breathed. "Just one kiss."
Now! As she leaned in, the Batman suddenly bolted and jutted his forehead into hers. Ivy screamed, feeling sharp pain from the hard surface of his mask. He then gripped her left wrist, yanked it up as high as he could, and shoved her to the ground with his opposite shoulder. With a sad frown, Batman stepped back as she fell down. 
Batman took advantage of her momentary disorientation. He extracted a 12-a3 antigenic spheres from his belt, but paused momentarily. Was this going to work?
Last time they had fought, he had used this to immobilize her entirely, but she had still escaped in the end. He hadn't been under her control- the experience then had been totally different that what he had just felt toward her pheromones, as here he just felt inclined love her and last time he had just wanted to... well, listen- but had still chosen to listen to her and help her control him.
Did this gas really work? He hadn't been under her control last time; he just hadn't been focused. Instead of paying attention to the dangerous criminal in front of him, he had been focusing on the body of Pamela Winters.
That body was right in front of him now, lying down.
He shook his head. The stuff worked. 
He knelt down and placed the small ball on the grass beside her writhing form, then stepped back again before it detonated. Green gas filtered from out of the ball after it combusted, immediately attacking Ivy's even-greener skin. It didn't need to be breathed in, fortunately for him, so the antigen worked quickly. She stopped curling up in pain in an awkward position with her limbs crossed.
Batman extracted a pair of padded handcuffs as he straightened her body out. He didn't flip her over so he could cuff her behind her back, instead opting to lay her arms out in front of her and place her arms over her breasts to hide them from his detective-vision-blocked view.
Suddenly, there seemed to be no more reason to be the Batman. This night has proved that he was fallible like anyone else. Sure, he hadn't lost the battle nor given in to his base desires, but his stark erection proved that he wasn't some creature of the night. Not some crusader on the side of justice. Just a man who spent too much time with criminals yet refused to believe he acted like one.
Bruce Wayne, not caring about any mud stains he might get on his costume- not a suit, but a costume- sat down next to the immobile woman. The next thing he did was something else the Batman would never do; he sighed. "I don't know what to do with you," he said in his normal voice. There was no need to make his tone as angry as the Dark Knight used since Ivy already knew who he was. "I can't put you back in Arkham; not only would you probably take control of the guards with your pheromones, but you clearly know my identity." 
He sighed again, then scoffed. "You also have Robin. I'll need to do something about that. I don't know what, though." He looked at her still form. "Make you release him. Can you do that? I think you know how." Bruce shook his head and looked down again. He wasn't sure if he could use his own crafted treatments for Ivy's pheromones there, as Ivy had been using him for weeks. Lucius's antidote only worked from short-term mind controlled people.
"I can..." Ivy coughed. "I can help Tim."
Bruce turned to her sharply. "Help?" he demanded. "You ruined him, turning him into your puppet. All you're going to do is release him from your control."
"You don't understand," she said weakly. "I'm saving him."
"Saving him?" the Dark Knight echoed. "How?"
"From mankind's disease. He isn't like the others. He's special."
"I don't care what you think," Bruce said, slipping back into Batman's angry tone. "You're letting him go either way. Batgirl too."
"You know she took you, right?" Ivy asked. She looked as if she was going to sit up there, her neck muscles constraining, before she remembered that she was paralyzed. "It was her who fucked you last time we met."
He frowned. Stephanie? "Someone fucked me that night?"
"Not just anyone. One of your friends took advantage of you and raped you!
Bruce sighed, losing his gruffness again. What did it matter if what Ivy said was true? It wouldn't happen again where Ivy was going. "I believe you, actually. I bet that experience programmed my subconscious to be extremely sensitive to my friends and fuck them when they get emotional. I can't believe I never noticed it before, though. She's always been able to hide her emotions before. I guess she hid her desire for me.
"I know I'm not going to be able to hate her for it. I should, but I've already forgiven her. It's not even like I think she did something wrong, actually. Why? I think knowing Pamela Winters changed me... you changed me." Bruce shook his head, standing up. "You did this to me." He looked down at her, seeing her motionless signature. Surely she would have to listen now.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouted desperately. "Why would you go to all of the trouble of what you did just to cause more pain? Has it ever occurred to you that if nobody else wants what you want, then it's not a sensible thing to want? Why can't you people ever understand that there's more to life than just killing people?"
There was a faint buzzing in the air. He looked up at the sky, but couldn't discern a source. The noise faded almost as soon as he looked up, making it even more difficult to determine where it had come from.
Suspicious, he looked back down at Ivy. Her jaw had a curve that indicated a smile of some sort.
"I don't know what you think is so funny, but I can guarantee you that wherever you end up, sunlight will be totally out of the question," Batman threatened. "You'll be buried so deep that you won't so much as feel the roots of any tree ever again."
"Oh, that's fine, Batman," Ivy said softly.
Disgusted, he turned away, hearing that buzzing in the sky again. Bruce looked up, but he didn't see anything. The lights that surrounded the plant life in Gotham Square- not to mention the detective vision- made it difficult to determine the difference between the stars above and aircraft. Was there a helicopter up there?
Then he saw it. A shadow in the sky. That shadow didn't register to his detective vision, but it was definitely there. Up in the sky, the shadow moved from right to left, sliding across his view like an actor moving from one stage exit to the other before it disappeared behind some unknown wall that kept it hidden. 
An invisible helicopter? Bruce thought with alarm. Who could possibly make something like that?
"You should tell me why it is that you can't see me with your eyes."
"My detective vision," he returned idly as he looked up at the sky again to try and find that shadow again, "capable of reading heat signatures, heart rates and bone structure, detecting oddities in a being or area, locating prints that are not primarily visible, determining possible causes of-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ivy interrupted. "I'm sure it's cool. Turn if off."
Yes, that seemed like a good idea. If he could see the clouds up above become obstructed, he'd know where the helicopter was. He moved his hand up to the cowl and pressed a button near the nape of the cowl. He turned his head to look down and nod in appreciation just as the lenses that let him avoid using his eyes retracted.
His eyes widened instantly, showing true fear. 
Her body was absolutely a miracle in of itself. It was so-
Bruce immediately shot his hand back up to reactivate his detective vision.
"Don't turn it back on," she instructed.
Suddenly, he was no longer operating under what he thought he should do. It was about what he wanted to do. Right now, he wanted to continue staring at her. His arm wavered, almost touching his cowl again but he couldn't touch the button even if he wanted to. He didn't want to.
Smiling even wider, she moved her handcuffed arms off of her chest and put them over her head, pushing her chest up. "Look at my breasts, Batman."
His head turned to take in the sight of Ivy's breasts with wide eyes. They were magnificent in their profoundly eye popping size. Why would he ever have wanted to turn his detective vision on when her breasts were just begging for attention? Poison Ivy deserved to be worshipped for having such a massive chest.
"Take the leaves off of my breasts," she ordered, wiggling to the side to look more enticing.
Honestly, he tried to fight it. But his damn mind had a mind of its own. His mind had a mind of its own. His mind wasn't his anymore.
Batman bent over and removed the few remaining leaves from her breasts with shaking hands. With nothing between him and her perfect tits, he could finally see her nipples. Darker in shade than the rest of the green of the skin. Areoles with clear tips at the center, peaking toward his face. His tongue suddenly grew very, very dry.
"Ooh, Batman," Ivy moaned. "Why don't you grab my tits and see what's between them?"
They were so impossibly large than he wasn't sure if he would be able to move them by himself. Nevertheless, this was something he had wanted to do since the day Pamela Winters had first had dinner at Wayne Manor. He had been drunk that night, and he had somehow found his hands around the upper part of her chest.
The same chest before him now was fully exposed, just as he had wanted. He grabbed two lumps of breast flesh from mounds larger than his fists. He wanted to tear his gloves off and properly feel them. 
Doing as she asked, Bruce separated the two mounds, opening up her cleavage and finding a miniature tube hidden there. A tube that had once nearly sealed his fate.
"Take my lipstick and paint my lips with them." 
One had still glued to her breast, he reached into the woman's cleavage with two fingers and took the lipstick. He removed his other hand from her tit and took the cap off of the lipstick tube, but his hands started shaking again as he stared at the red point. He didn't want to do this, but for some reason, it seemed like a good idea. He didn't know why it was such a good idea, so he didn't let his hand go up, but his hand wouldn't let him put it back down. 
Ivy clicked her tongue audibly. "Paint my lips red, now."
He figured it out. If he feigned being under her control by doing as she said, then he might be able to escape when she wasn't paying attention. It was a brilliant idea. 
Without pausing to determine if there could be any safer courses of action, he moved the lipstick up to her mouth and lathered all over until she had lips the color of rubies. When he completed, he immediately moved to stand and attempt to escape.
"Freeze," Ivy hastily said. 
Yes, that was a good idea. Why would he want to move when everything he had ever wanted was right there in front of him. He wanted to be near her, not run away.
Ivy sat up, looking over him. So the poison hadn't worked after all. Or maybe he had just waited too long and given her too much time to recover. It didn't matter. She had complete control over his body.
She gave him a pitiful glance before inspecting the rest of him. He could see her take an obvious note at how his pants seemed especially tight at the moment. 
She stood up and rounded around him to his front. Still frozen in place, he could only track her feet with his eyes. "Kiss me," she said, looking down at him.
Kissing Poison Ivy? Of course not. That was one of the first things he had ever established after their first meeting. "No," Batman denied, standing up straight. "I'll never-"
"Freeze," Ivy said again. He did, and she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, imprinting the lipstick on his skin. He didn't react as she began to kiss him repeatedly on the cheek, still under orders to remain motionless. Her lipstick wasn't exactly like her pheromones. Pheromones influenced his hormones in a chemical reaction to stimulate pleasure in being near Ivy. The lipstick was made up of spores that entered the bloodstream and went straight to the brain, attacking it to give the impression of intense love for Ivy. 
Already, he could find himself unable to divert his mind away from her. His technique was too hard to concentrate on with Ivy kissing him all over. Why focus on anything else, though, when she wanted him to simply relax?
When all of her lipstick was on his skin, she pulled back. "Kiss me."
"No," he replied in a shuddering voice. His answer was solely a product of the deepest levels of his training, as kissing her was the last thing he would normally do. "I... I can't."
"Put more lipstick on me, Batman." That request, however, was something he could not resist. If he had to gauge what his current state was, he'd guess he was at the point where he would probably die for her, but his training- almost as if drilled into him by someone else- would keep him from doing anything she asked. Bruce moved quickly to paint her lips again with the red tube.
When he was done, she leaned up again and kissed his other cheek, peppering the rest of his face with red marks. He was moving, as she hadn't told him to freeze this time, but his movements were shivering moans and his back arching in ecstasy. God, he loved her.
She pulled back. "Kiss me."
"Please..." Batman begged, hoping she would see the error of her ways right then and there and decide to give up. Needless to say, that hope was futile. Gauging himself again, he bet would do anything she asked but that one command of kissing her willingly. 
"More lipstick." He opened the tube and added more red to her lips. 
She leaned up once more and began placing more kisses on his chin, cheeks, and every other part of his face not covered by his mask without touching his lips. He knew what the lipstick would taste like from experience; sweeter than honey and just about as mild as a rose could be. He reacted even further here, placing his hands on her hips and stroking her body. She let him do it until she was done with lipstick.
The feel of her was heaven itself, but pleasing her was more than that. He never would have believed anything could possibly be better than heaven had he not met Ivy. Resisting her all these years was the worst decision he ever could have made. He could die happy simply knowing that he had satisfied her.
She leaned back and looked at his face, inspecting her own handiwork.
Shaking one last time before his will broke, Batman dropped to his knees. Ivy wiped the redness from his face. Bruce relished the feel of her fingers gently brushing against him. She grabbed the sides of his head and exhaled a hot, sultry breath onto him. "Kiss me."
I can't resist her. I love her.
And that was why he needed to resist her.
Using the only clear thought he could think, he mumbled "Vengeance" before leaning forward and planting his lips on hers, giving himself over to her. 
Her lips tasted even sweeter without the lipstick.

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