
Rachel "chats" with the Beast

by darkraven32179
Storyline Shame and Defeat
Characters Beast Namor Rachel Grey Human Torch
Category Female Dom M/F Male Dom M/M Transformation
Previous Chapter Jubilee continues to abuse Frost

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"Why certainly Rachel come in," Beast spoke as he went to set his new experiment down before turning his full attention to the redhead. "What can I help you with today my dear?"

"Well Hank it's not about what I need you to do for me," Rachel spoke as he physic powers throw beast into the wall holding him their with ease "It's more like what I'm gonna do to you."

"Rachel what is the meaning of this, I demand you put me down right now."

"No can do fur ball." Rachel spoke as she removed her jacket, her naked body moving towards the blue man. "Now do try to relax and let nurse grey take good care of you beast."


"Hello johnny." Namor spoke as he landed behind the young man watching as he jumped back a bit.

"Whoa Namor where the fuck you come from."


"Right... right well if your here to try to seduce my sister she's not here so why don't you go back to your underwater kingdom and stay there." Johnny said, a little angry having never really like the atlantian that much.

"Actually Johnny I came here to see you." Namor spoke as he walked up to the smaller man, grabbing him and pulling into a kiss, the nanites in his saliva transforming Johnny making him more smaller and fem looking in the stronger mans arms.

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