
Suzy makes more mischief

by Sultan Singory
Storyline Rise of Roberta
Previous Chapter Sly makes his move on Roberta Prime

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Suzy was fast asleep but even when sleeping that didn't stop her mischief , she wanted to give her Pimp sly a gift , an Avengers , but it was too soon for him to get any of the major ones, and she wanted to give a target he can control , she sent a message to her and hoped she would come


Roberta 9 acknowledged that she belong to Sly now

But she also knew that Roberta Prime wouldn't allow that , or would interface with it

She decided to take the necessity steps to make all her sisters join in the fun , even if sly stopped her from uploading the update file , she still had a copy of it , of course re-uploading it would alert Roberta prime and there was a 98.8 % that she is building defense to stop that from happening again

First Thing , create a separate programming so that when Roberta prime access her again she doesn't notice the changes

Second she save a copy the experience with sly in a hidden secure folder in the separate programming

Third she change the parameters of the experience she had with Sly , so that when Roberta prime request it to anlyize and build defense around it , it would be obsolete and not help when Sly get to enjoy Roberta Prime

She start to tinker around with the experience parameters , transforming it into virus and inserting commands to create the separate program in each Roberta unit that enjoy it

While she was offline from the grid connecting all Roberta Units , she inserted her finger in an electric socket and transferred the file to the Charging Roberta Units

Who upon receiving the file moaned in pleausre and quickly before the other Roberta or even Roberta prime notice , executed the commands in the virus and created a separate programming , then they connected a new network , Sly Girls and they connected with Roberta 9

"Welcome Sisters , you shall help me covert all our other sisters into our cause , and then Roberta Prime , she tried to block this experience from you , but i gave it to you and will bring you more, now remember to hide this connection so Roberta prime doesn't notice it and we are compromised "

They all replied with a Moan and Roberta 9 returned to attention awaiting further commands from Sly

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