
Watching them eat Thea finds their state strangely appealing.

by Anarchy
Storyline The Flash: Big Time
Characters Speedy (Thea Queen) Huntress Green Arrow Black Canary
Previous Chapter The three are in their 'Big' mindsets but aren't lust-crazed so Thea tries to talk to the cavepeople and find out what they want

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“You eat!” Helena said firmly, shoving a box of food at Thea.


“I’m good,” Thea said trying to wave off the box of dehydrated… honestly, she didn’t know what it was but she figured you weren’t suppose to cram them in your mouth like her brother and her friends were.


“You eat, get strong!” Laurel said firmly. “No strong, no fuck.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine for a bit. Think I’m a bit… fucked out… for the moment.” Oliver just stared at her, like he couldn’t understand such a concept, while Laurel and Helena continued to gorge themselves on the rations, clearly thinking that Thea’s loss was their gain.


The younger of the Queen siblings watched as the three muscle-bound behemoths continued to eat everything in sight and couldn’t help but find everything oddly interesting.


Of course, part of that might have been that focusing on them was less painful than focusing on what the hell she was going to do to fix this.


In her heart she hoped that Oliver, Laurel, and Helena would snap out of their savage states soon and all four of them could brainstorm how to fix all this. Her gut, however, trembled with the fear that this was it and that the three of them were stuck like this and that it would only be a matter of time before she was unable to fight back and devolved like them and all hope was loss. Worse, even if they did manage to get back to their normal minds Thea wasn’t for sure how they were going to fix their physical issues. Ray Palmer was god know’s where with Rip Hunter traveling through time. There was no one in Felicity’s company that could help them. Barry may have been a solution but he, along with Felicity, Caitlin, and Iris, had disappeared (‘But at least they aren’t dealing with this, lucky bastards’ Thea thought). And then there were the logistical issues until they could shrink down, like food and water or keeping themselves contained and resisting the call to go savage.


Yes, watching her giant dumbed-down friends eat was more calming than thinking about just how screwed they were.


Thea watched as Oliver bit into a can and spat out the hunk of metal before slurping down whatever it contained. It was all rather interesting. They didn’t seem to have a care in the world other than satisfying their basic urges. They were definitely happier than they had been before the change. Just days ago Oliver had been dealing with Felicity breaking up with him, Laurel was struggling with a hard case, Helena was angry at everyone, and they had the threat of Hive hanging over their heads. They had all been miserable, trying to juggle their normal lives and their heroic alteregos.


But now… now her friends and brother seemed peaceful (or as peaceful as giant cavepeople could be). They weren’t worried about bills or jobs or what the neighbors thought. Helena was grinning as she nuzzled Oliver while Laurel’s biggest concern was how to get more chips into her mouth. They were calm and it was clear that they were enjoying themselves.


The only one who wasn’t happy… was her.


‘And that’s because I’m fighting it,’ Thea thought to herself. ‘I’m trying to resist because I can see how wrong this is… but is it really wrong? I mean, yeah, Oliver is my brother… but history is full of brothers and sisters marrying to keep the bloodlines pure. And he’s only my half brother and knowing our mother I wouldn’t be surprised to learn Ollie was adopted.’ Thea looked down at her massive body. ‘I’m worried and scared and that is making me miserable.’ She slowly reached over and grabbed a box of what she assumed were potato flakes and dipped her hand inside. ‘I’m not going to change their minds… they are going to get their fill and either fuck me silly or storm out of here and then everyone will see us. Wouldn’t… wouldn’t it be better to just… give in?’ Thea slowly pulled out a handful of flakes and brought them to her mouth, licking her palm and fingers clean before going back for more.


“You eat!” Helena said in surprise. “Get strong! Strong enough to be fucked?”


Thea looked at Helena and smiled weakly. “I guess so.”

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