
Willow answers Warren.

by BigGuy
Storyline In-fun-ity Gems
Previous Chapter We turn to another universe where the gems shouldn't work... The universe of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Warren was a true geek. he loved science fiction- the Star Wars movies, Star Trek (in all it's forms), the novels of Isaac Asimov, and more. The one thing he didn't read was comic books- that was more an Andrew thing. S he didn't know what he had- or how it worked.

He also was a cliche. You never ask a question BEFORE taking action- that's what stupid villains do.

"Hello, Willow." he sneered. "How'd you like to be my fuckslave?" And his skin ripped away from his body, throwing the Infinity Gauntlet to the ground.

Willow Rosenberg thought this would bring her peace. But the rage and loss she felt at the death of her love, Tara, would not leave her. this world was full of evil. Nothing she and Buffy and Xander and Giles had done over the years had changed that. The black magic coursing through her, turning her eyes black, her skin mottled, felt so good, so right- but even it was not enough. Not to destroy evil. But it could destroy the world! The Hellmouth was the key- she could use it to start a reaction that would-

"What is that?" she thought. The odd-looking glove Warren had pointed at her- it radiated power. Not magic, exactly- but something more. If magic was electricity, this was like nuclear fission! She gestured, and the glove floated to her. The gems radiated energy- each different- but each primal. 

"What are you?" she asked, her magics reaching out , probing the strange object.

He r mind was filled with knowledge- of the workings of the gems, of the creation of the gauntlet- even of the fact that a whole universe of comic book characters existed. "Xander will be so happy!" she thought. 

 But this power- it dwarfed anything she had ever felt. To control the very fabric of time, space,  reality- to control minds and souls- and power. She could- she could-

"I can do anything" she said, placing her hand in the gauntlet. 

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