
Mass Effect Futa: Mordin's Retrovirus

by Silenteye
Storyline Futanari Worlds
Category Mass Effect Futanari/Hermaphrodite Transformation
Previous Chapter Mass Effect Futa: Which game?

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Ah, the start of a brand new day, Thought Mordin as the door to the Normandy's lab slid open. Not that "day" has any meaning here. Not orbiting a star, cycle is irrelevant. Doesn't matter. Day is relative. I'm awake. Ready for work. New labors, new day.

And indeed it was a very good day for Mordin. Any day that was productive was a good day for the Salarian scientist. Well-being too tied to work. Possible psychological flaw. Requires introspective self examination. After work is done. Later. Maybe. Grabbing a large vial he clambered down the ladder into the bowels of the ship. He needed to be outside EDI's direct observation to do what he was planning. The AI wouldn't take kindly to direct genetic modification of a crew member, even if he had acquired consent. It had been difficult enough to assemble the retrovirus without notice.

Still, he was sure they'd all thank him once it was done. Joker's illness was a serious hindrance to the performance of the crew. If the ship were boarded, he'd be nearly helpless. And having an intact pilot was crucial in such an event.

Finally, Mordin reached the area directly beneath life support, and his goal. A small junction just beneath the CO2 scrubbers. Here he could release the retrovirus that would cure Joker's genetic abnormality.

Of course, he'd only ever run simulations. Subjects with Vrolik syndrome were rare, and the Normandy lacked animal subjects to test the virus on. Shrugging off his doubts, Mordin opened the hatch and dumped the viral suspension into the Normandy's air recycling unit. Unknown to the crew the retrovirus spread throughout the ship however as it did it mutated the virus' properties and gave it new functions. Now this new virus was going throughout the ship and it first affected...

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