
They summon Aladdin and the Genie

by C.King
Storyline Infinity Gem Madness!
Category Disney
Previous Chapter The Balcony Girls

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The trio had looked over the city, learning everything about it as well as the adventure which Aladdin was to have. Finding out that the young street rat was also one of the best looking men of the city. One who would have great power with the genie, who also had a bit of a crush on them. As they looked at time and space, they prepared to take advantage of what was happening and changing what they needed. Once their scheme, created by the link between the minds of the three with the blue infinity gems, was plotted out... they began.

Using the purple space gem to teleport Aladdin, his monkey and the Genie into the house they lived in. While the orange time gem allowed the three males to be frozen in time, as well as everyone but the three girls. Then came the work with the blue mind and green soul gems.

Samiya had begun to modified the minds of the frozen figures before her. Adding loyalty as well as devotion with the one trio to the second female trio. They amplified the lust Aladdin had for the sister, mixing it with love, as well as removing the passion for the Princess. They also added in three of them into accepting the Infinity powers the sisters had. As it was normal and no big deal.

They continued by making the men folk be willing partners in the plot the sisters had for moving on up in the world. They also modified the genie to allow for infinite wishes, as well as less rules. They only rule the genie would have now was the fact he couldn't affect the Infinity Gems or their wielders like the sisters. As Samiya smiled at Aliya and Zakiya, which they returned.

One moment and a few false memories later, they unfroze the heroes and waited for their reaction.

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