
A change of law makes prostitution more accessable

by CorruptionCentral
Storyline Hookerisation Of Superheroines
Previous Chapter Every superheroine and villainess with prostitution in their background stay hookers in this universe

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DISCLAIMER:  I’m not going to pretend this chapter isn’t highly influenced by the current administration of the United States of America, but I just want to point out that the characters used here are NOT THE REAL PRESIDENT NOR ANY OTHER OFFICIAL PAST OR PRESENT!  It isn’t meant to describe intentions, morals, ethics, or any other quantifiable personal attribute in what society views as right or wrong. It isn’t meant to judge the political value of any person or government system. It is simply making use of elements that exist in the administration and legislature that I intentionally blow way, WAY, out of proportion in order to make a path for Superstories type fun along the lines of this storyline’s premise of heroines choosing sex work of their own free will. Please do not focus political opinion, frustration, or hate on this story or this site! This is meant only for entertainment.


That being said, on with the story…




He hadn’t been the President long, but his frustration was nearing epic proportions. He had come up through the ranks of big business and had a reputation for doing things his own way. Over the last decade and a half, he had enjoyed being a pop icon and reality TV favorite, and to that he owed his popularity in the last election; that, and the fact that people were tired of the political quagmire that had become business as usual for this great country. Despite his bluster and bravado, he actually did care about what he viewed as his mandate from the people. In his mind, he was elected to bring financial sense to the capitol, but now that he had access to every nook and cranny of the government, he realized the staggering enormity of the task.


Before the President were six big screen monitors feed from his top of the line workstation showing the financial red bleeding the country dry. How did this juggernaut keep going without crashing? Where did these people learn finance??? This fiscal gore had been going on for decades before he had even been born, but he was determined to turn it around! And so, for every available moment over the last 3 months, the newly minted politician poured over the data searching for a way, ANY way, out of this pit of doom.


It was late in the night, as he reviewed the finances yet again, when an odd thought occurred to him. There was another set of issues that was nearly as bad as this, but up until now he was content to let state and local governments use their resources to right those wrongs... But maybe, there was a way to kill two birds with one stone? Quickly, POTUS pulled up the statistics on the rising vice issues in the United States. A smile crossed the businessman’s face as he read the staggering amount of money people were willing to pay criminals for sex, gambling, and various drugs. Of course, the harsher drugs were out of the question, but if people were willing to risk life and limb to deal with people who would sell tainted products or kill customers outright if they stepped out of line, they would be willing to pay legitimate businesses backed by the government. Suddenly the government spending started to look better. Money wasted on illegal activities would feed into real taxable income for legitimate businesses and workers. Hell, the influx of international visitors alone would bring in even more cash than currently being paid to the crooks! The influx of income would finance community and business growth which will turn the downward spiral back upward. It would no longer be a reason for criminal organizations to exploit these markets, so organized crime would also take a downward spiral. Public safety would skyrocket and debt would plunge… How could this be anything but fantastic???


For the first time in weeks, the President felt almost giddy, but now he had work to do. To make this work, several legitimate operations in various states needed to be folded in with the currently illegitimate ones. Porn and legal brothels had to be merged with all prostitution. Every practitioner, male or female had to register as a prostitute and record the areas they participate in; whether stripper, web cam star, porn star, call girl, brothel worker, or straight up street walking whore. From there, they would have to get weekly medical checks and record all activities. Hell, one of his businesses even sells a portable medical scanner that could pick up any disease communicable by sex. He could… Would force all of them to have and use them before any sexual act!


Then there were the pimps. The legal brothel owners really weren’t that big of a problem as they were business men. Give them the right incentives and they will toe any line he wanted, but the illegal ones… That was another problem. As long as they existed, there would be exploitation. No, what was needed was a management structure and legitimate security forces to protect the workers. He had to snicker as he thought that half his Secret Service would love to have that job.  Another new thought based quite loosely on how the Nevada brothels were run, the roles of pimps and madams would be purely management. The workers would be independent contractors who sign up with pimp or madam for advertising, booking, and, most especially, non-exploitive security services.


As he finished the work on the new Presidential Executive Order # 13801, the POTUS felt more invigorated than he had in weeks. He knew he had people in both houses with issues they were so zealous about that they would approve this order as a rider of their favorite law without even looking at it. It was a sure thing he had held in his pocket since day one, and this looked like his opportunity to use it. It was amusing that most of these legislators were as zealous about religion and ‘getting back to a more moral America’ as they were their current objectives, but hey… This is about straightening out the finances and keeping the country floating. The business of American IS business and this is a great business solution. The politicians and their moralizing constituents can be moral when they get home!


********** SIX MONTHS LATER **********


As Susan Storm Richards brought herself to another climax with her Magic Wand sex toy, she found herself even more frustrated than she was when she started. Oh, the toy did its job quite well, but there was plenty to cause her anger. She had to do EVERYTHING around here. She ran Fantastic Enterprises, she did all the cooking, she did all the cleaning, she took care of the kids, she took care of Johnny and Ben who were worse than kids, and now she had to take care of herself because Reed was too busy in the lab for the umpteenth time in the last 3 months. She was beginning to forget what the man looked like naked!


As she sat up, she turned on TV to catch the late, late show, as had become her part of her nightly routine, when she heard the host say something that peeked her interest “So who out there has heard about this new law making vice legal? It started out as a Presidential order that quietly made state authorized brothels and weed businesses absolutely legit in the eyes of the Federal Government, but as of today it makes all forms or prostitution, gambling, and most drugs legal businesses with government oversight nationwide.  Now strippers, porn stars, and hookers all have to register their trade as sex workers, bookies as gamesters, and drug dealers as… What… Apothecaries??? Whether you had a job that was legal or not before, if it falls into one of those categories, you have to register or you are looking at 2 to 3 times more jail time than you would have gotten before. But you want to know what is really funny? More people are applying than the government ever dreamed would have! One theory is angry spouses are registering just to tick off their other half. How messed up is that?”


Oh, Sue knew it was very messed up, but in her anger and frustration it also struck a chord with her. She never intended to actually do anything, but it definitely brought an evil grin to her face as she imagined Reed seeing her name as a registered sex worker. Maybe she would have a web cam of her pleasuring herself since her husband was far too busy to tend her needs. It only took her a minute to find the site and before she had a change for a second thought, her anger drove her to complete the registration. Now she finally felt her frustrations lift as she turned off the PC and went to bed. She would sleep well tonight now that she burned off that anger. 

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