
Rita spies on Peter

by ruleradvent
Storyline Wedding of the century
Previous Chapter She is still confused...

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Yes...something was up here....using her skills she could watch him....she wasn't sure about his manner though...yes....he seemed to say strange things about the people here...and this "Reed"? She was right...he was planning to tell everyone she was a transsexual! The queen of Latveria could not be a former male! He was planning to crush her hopes! she had to do something fast!


Ben Grimm, the Thing had been wandering through the place...as if in a daze....all seemed to be in a mist...there was a feeling he had...slowly growing...didn't notice his scales and general body structure altering....


The Red Skull Walked over to see her...Stephanie saw him...she was uncertain for a moment...but then she wondered about her uncertainty...she knew then that this was a person she could trust and admire...the name was still uncertain...she smiled "Forgive me, Mein Herr...I...zeem du be unsure about vere I am...herr..." she paused and spoke "Red...Skull...her...Schmidt?"

"Ja" The red skull spoke...and she smiled "I almost thought du vere a ...legend..."

"I am real enough...Frau?"

"Stephanie....Stephanie....Ro....R.....Himmel! I kannot...."

"Leave it for now...fraulien...would you like me to tell you how I am not just a legend..."

"Ja...I vould like dat...very much" the two walked off together...


Rita darted back...she needed to stop this...the mere hint of this story...


The scales began to fade...the face became more human...if...softer...gentler...the lines began to alter....


Rita began looking round...she needed to deal with Peter NOW...


The mists began to fade and Ben emerged...now a muscular bald orange skinned woman...in her mind she began to understand...Thundra had been right...it was wrong for her to look for a partner who was merely human...she needed one who was more her equal....But Im a man aren't....he she began to reach back but the memories were no longer there...she did not remember other than being a woman....and wanting a mate who was her true counterpart...


Stephana and Johann sat together chatting and eating...and plainly getting closer together...In a short while they were talking of coming closer...much much closer...


The former Thing entered the main room with all the couples meeting...she smiled at them all


Stephanie soon decided....this Johann was the man she wanted...needed...it was uncanny in such a short time but now it was so plain....


Rita turned...she realised there was only one who could help her in this....

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