
The Alarm at the SHIELD Base

by Drake G. Reaper
Storyline The full Hucow Database
Previous Chapter Jemma having witnessed LMD May's theft of the database alerts the base.

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"Alright everyone you heard the alarm from what we can gather Melinda May has stolen experimental technology Agent Johnson has been working on." Coulson tells the gathered agents.

"Why would Agent May steal experimental technology?" One of the Agents asks."We don't know although the current theory is that she's been replaced or someone is disguised as Agent May. Either way that means that the real May is missing and we need to find her Yo-yo is already in pursuit our mission is to apprehend this imposter everyone dismissed." Coulson orders.

The various agents scatter throughout the base looking for LMD May. Unaware that LMD May has already made it to the hangar and boarded one of the quinjets. The rest of the agents rush into the hangar opening fire on the leaving Quinjet. Coulson checks the hangar area to find an unconscious Yo-yo.Coulson manages to rouse Yo-yo to consciousness. "Yo-yo you okay what happened?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop her I tried everything I could the most I could to was plant a tracker on her I'm a bad girl." Yo-yo says dejectedly.

"It's okay Yo-yo I'm sure Daisy won't blame you for this now let's track down the signal." Coulson reassures her.

Coulson then gathers up all of the bases agents and personnel to catch them up to speed. "Alright people as you know Agent May or what we believe to be an LMD of Agent May has stolen experimental technology that Agent Johnson has been working on fortunately Agent Rodriguez managed to place a tracker on her. So what else do we know."

"I've been going over Radcliffe's notes and one of the things he's been working on something called the Framework it seems to be a virtual world meant to help train recruits but all things considered it's likely Agent May has been plugged into it." Fitz reports.

"Wait what's to stop us from plugging ourselves into this Framework and waking May from the inside?" Daisy asks.

"Well the main diffuculty will be finding the networks the Framework is using and if we do wake May she'll be alone in enemy hands so we will need a way to coordinate this."  Fitz replies.

"Alright I'll assemble the strike team Daisy you and Jemma will enter the Framework and get Agent May out of there everyone you've got your orders let's rescue our missing agent and retrieve the stolen tech." Coulson orders as everyone get to it.

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