
Amora, the Asgardian.

by JimmyKasche
Storyline Holiday Love Slaves, Around the Calender
Previous Chapter Dark Cupid finds another victim.

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The naughty Cupid looked between the two goddesses as the two arrows flew towards their targets. 
"This store is far too upscale for a place like you. Why don't you go somewhere you'd fit in better? Like the Pet Store down the block." Amora said firing a blast of green energy at Circe who effortlessly blocks it.
"A pet store why you..." Circe began to say as the arrows found their mark... "are far too generous mistress." Circe said her tone changing to a more subservient tone.
Cupid decided that she was working for Valentine's day... so it only stood to reason that the self stated goddess of love should get some tribute. She smiled as she watched the 4 figures begin to shift to fit their new reality.
"Master." Megan said swaying her hips standing in Doctor Psycho's hideout.
"Yes, my dear." Doctor Psycho said counting the loot he had made off with from the Jewelry store robbery... somehow being less and yet more than he expected. 
"Well since I'm not going to be that goody two-shoes Miss Martian anymore... I need a villain name... and I was thinking..." Megan said slowly.
"What is it my pet?" Edgar said looking at the girl as her outfit began to shift retaining it's shiny quality hugging her recently expanded curves... Megan had seen the way her Edgar thought of Power Girl's bust and Wonder Woman's ass.
"Well since all the papers call you Doctor Psycho... I could be your sexy assistant Nurse Mindfuck." Megan smiled as the outfit reformed into a white latex sexy nurse costume complete with tiny cap on her head. "the only question is should my outfit be black or white?" 
Edgar stared at his new henchslut ignoring the usual anger he usual felt when people called him by that particular nickname as he tried to process what she just said to him.

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