
"My Eyes are up here- Sage specs" (black rimmed glasses, breast growth but she retains intelligence)

by Master_Kind
Storyline Dr. Diabolical's Delights
Previous Chapter Gwen doesn't have an escape plan yet so you perverts get one actual change out of her (Choices)

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"Really? Not only do you stack me up against some nobody Dumb Bunny when the CW-ready lesbian hotness version is right there for the taking, I've got some inferior sexy time stuff to play with?" Gwenpool said, tossing some steampunk device over her shoulder disdainfully. "Ugh. Grape job there, Bat-Mite. Wait, ARE you Bat-Mite?"


"I am NOT Bat-Mite! CHOOSE!" huffed an indignant Dr. Diabolical.

Gwenpool stroked her chin and then a light bulb appeared over her head.

"Yes, I will choose . . . right after we check in on my sexy friend Hawkeye and her counterpart in her game, who is no doubt some famously sexy DC chick like Power Girl!"

She then froze in place except for one hand edging towards a grenade on her belt incredibly slowly.

"Um, what are you doing?" the blonde across from her asked, puzzled.

"Aw, dang. I thought for sure there'd be a smash cut to my BFF and I could get away with blowing everything up in the meantime!"

"Ha! Nice try. That is actually happening on some version of this timeline, mind you, but I'm not taking my eyes off of you. You could wreak far too much havoc left alone." Dr. Diabolical said in a bit of a huff.Gwenpool grimaced in annoyance.

"Ugh, fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! I will play your perverted little game but don't think I'm not picking up on your CLUES, Boner Saw Guy!"
She grabbed the glasses on the table and slapped them across her face."Now, who has the EYE on you, eh? I- whooooaaaa!"
Gwen gasped as she felt her chest begin to swell . . . and swell . . . and swell!
She gasped as she stared down at her truly massive new chest - E's at the very least, and jiggling wildly with no bra to hold them in. To add insult to injury, a stylized "G" shape formed in the middle of her chest's bodysuit to show off her new cleavage, ala the Invisible Girl's costume from the '90's.
"Holy Shulkie! What the crap? How big am I?" she gasped, trying to heft her new assets and realizing she'd need at least two hands to lift one massive mammary, as well as that they were extremely sensitive to touch. A wrist grazed a thick plug-like nipple and she shuddered at the sensation even through her top. Weirdly, they didn't make her back scream out in agony, despite feeling tremendously heavy on her slight frame.
"I thought you'd appreciate a set of zero-G G-cups, being Gwenpool and all. Congrats on becoming the bustiest superheroine in my increasingly large harem and supervillain resort!"
The invisible audience cheered at the transformation, making a meter swing wildly into the green for Gwenpool. She shrugged, making her new assets sway and jiggle, although she now got the impression literally anything would make them sway and jiggle now.
"Well-played, tricking me into huge boobdom, Dr. Diadorkable! Aw, well. Guess I had to get the most common superpower eventually. Cavewoman, eat your heart out! Hey, invisible nerds - if you get me out of this booth, I promise to unzip my top and make out with Dumb Bunny over there!"
"My name's Batgirl, not Du-" Kate Kane began, only for a roar of applause to make the meter explode with green.Suddenly, everything fell away and Gwenpool found herself alone in a warehouse sized steel chamber with dozens of doors.
"Well, I suppose I should have expected that." sighed Dr. Diabolical. "My own fault for making you so chesty, I suppose."
"Yep! Is this the part where you tell me your evil plan so I can foil it?"
"That WAS the evil plan, you idiot. The changes were supposed to be cumulative until you each became a pliant living sex toy but your sapphic proposal ended the game too early. Luckily, I do have literally tens of dozens of your compatriots who were transformed by my cunning traps, so I can eat the loss. If it makes you feel any better, you did win the chance to try and break another pair of superheroines out of my conditioning, so-"
A grenade went off with a huge bang as Gwen tossed one between two random sets of doors.
"What the hell are you doing?!? Stop that!" Dr. Diabolical bellowed.
"Ha! I bet you planned on me going through a door to save some other superchicks but I just made my own! See ya, sucker!" she yelled as she ran and jumped through a smoldering metal hole, jiggling and swaying like mad as she ran.
". . . I knew I should have never invited this one in here." Dr. Diabolical sighed to no one in particular.

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