
On board the ship...

by gothamalleyviper
Storyline Master PC, Version 3.0!
Previous Chapter Daphne and Shaggy enjoy water sports and breath play at sea

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Daphne and her minions found a moon well deck below the water line and made their way onto the ship.  The entrance to ship was a sort of wet airlock system.  They got in the first hatch and closed it behind them, then went into a second one and closed it behind them.  Making their way through the third one the found themselves inside the ship.  Daphne looked around to make sure they were in clear.  It was clear that in clear for now. 

Daphne hand signaled for silence, and for the pair behind her to come along. They shed their tanks and crept to the chamber door.  Gently they opened the door and quickly looked around.  There weren’t any guards in this hallway.  On the wall there were signs painted indicating various directions.

“Like,” Shaggy whispered, “They should have guards around like Engineering and like Armory.”

“Let’s head towards the Cargo hold,” Daphne purred softly, “See if they have a guards there…”

Velma and Shaggy were puzzled for a second but then understood what Daphne meant.


Up in the lookout tower a pair were watching the motor boat with the water skiing dog.

“Are the getting closer to the ship or not?” one said to the other.

“It’s kids playing with a motor boat,” the senior of the pair, “No reason to pull out the M-240 much less shoot them!”

“I never get to have any fun on this gig,” the junior of the pair grumbled.

“This is what it is like to do contracting domestically,” the senior ticked off, “Not as fun as contracting in the sand box now is it?  Tell you what get the noise wall and aim it at water at standoff distance, that will encourage them to get away from us.”


Velma snuck a peek and spotted the pair of armed guards standing around the extra-large door to the cargo hold.  She looked back at Daphne and Shaggy and informed them of the guards and the weapons she could see with hand signals.  Daphne looked around and spotted the notice of a crew rooms behind them.  A plan formed in her head.  She gestured for Shaggy and Velma to stay put.  Daphne went and found an empty room.  Sure enough there was a cartoon of cigarettes under the mattress and smoke detector wired to the ships fire suppression system.  Not to mention some nylon web gear for pistols and magazines.  She rigged a cigarette and stuck it next to the fire alarm and quickly dashed back to rejoined Shaggy and Velma.  Once she reached them the Alarm sounded.  The guards on que went to check out the source of the alarm.  The three went into the cargo hold.

“Lets see why they have armed guards,” Daphne said.

Shaggy stood guard while Daphne and Velma looked around.  There were empty green cargo boxes that had been food for the galley.  One of them had a can of tomato sauce bust open inside it. Another had spare uniforms and Daphne and Velma grabbed three.  Some of them off to the side had markings on them.  A shipping label spray painted onto the side.  From a French Navy Base to the US Army 10th Mountain Division via the USS Wyoming. The pair opened two and looked inside quickly; Military and Law Enforcement Use Only labeled assault rifles in one and submachine guns in the other.  Daphne opened a third and grabbed some pistols and spare magazines out of it.  They went back to Shaggy and quickly donned the uniforms.  Daphne hid the pistols on her and the three snuck out of the cargo hold.  They made their way along the hallways trying not to be noticed.  They ducked in a nook when they heard the pair of guards heading back to the cargo hold.

“Oh man,” One of them said, “Sanchez is going to get her ass handed to her when she gets back!”

“That’s the third time she tried that stunt so she could smoke pot in her cabin,” the other noted.

“Isn’t that shit why she got kicked out of the chair force in the first place?” the first asked.

“That and the lesbian three way with superior and junior offices before don’t ask don’t tell was repealed.”

Once they were gone, Daphne lead Shaggy and Velma back to the moon well and off the boat, taking the uniforms and fire arms in the water proof dive bags the pistols had been packed in. 


“Rikes!” Scooby let go of the tow rope as the high pitched noise hit them, “Relp!”

Freddy called for John to swing around and get Scooby.  The boat came rushed over.  As it swung to a stop, Scooby felt something grab him.

“Relax Scooby,” Shaggy said and he pulled the breather out of his mouth with his free hand.

Freddy saw the three in the water and quickly knocked over the dummies. 

“Let’s get Scooby back on the boat,” Daphne called, “Velma grab the skis.”

“Do you think they noticed?” Velma asked quietly.


“I don’t think they jumped in the water,” the Junior watchman said.

“The wave crash was in the way,” the senior said, “That was when they did.”

“I swear that I saw them still in the boat,” the junior said, “Does that mean the ones in the boat for the last hour were decoys?”

“let the commander know,” the senior said.

The implication was that if they tried to sneak aboard than the kids would have to be disposed of.

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