
Cisco brings Ova to meet the rest of Team Flash, and they question her.

by rubicon
Storyline Erotic lamp
Characters Flash Killer Frost Ova (Genie of the Erotic Lamp) Harry Wells (Earth-2) Caitlin Snow Iris West
Previous Chapter Cisco Ramon/Vibe

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The Cortex

The beautiful woman in purple and silver was peering at the clearboard with its writing scribbled on it. "Can you really see these equations, or is it just there to look good. I mean, whiteboards and blackboards both provide clear contrast, so--"

"Yeah, not really what we're here to talk about," Cisco said, looking from Ovyah to Iris and Caitlin. Harry was behind them, looking... well, disgruntled as always. The Flash was on the other side of the room, and on a stand in the middle sat the lamp, which was battered as always but no longer covered in toner and grease.

"How... did you get that cleaned off?" Caitlin asked.

"Don't look at me," Cisco said. "I took three wipes with a Sham-Wow and then Bottle-Blonde over there appeared and the whole thing was clean."

"You were trying to clean the lamp. I interpreted that as a wish, and since I grant those for you I figured I would, you know, do exactly that." She turned to look at the different men and women in the room. "Oh, such stern looks. By now, aren't you used to strangers suddenly appearing in your lair? Is this a lair? Heroes get bases instead of lairs, right?"

"We may be used to it," the Flash said, his voice full of reverb as he used his vibrations to disguise his voice, "but we never really learned to like it."

Ovyah rubbed her temples. "That echo thing is annoying. Is it really necessary?"

"Uh, yeah," Cisco said. "Secret identity? You know how this works, right?"

"Ugh. Really?" She rolled her eyes. "His name is Barry Allen, and he's the fastest man alive. By day he's an ordinary forensic scientist, but after lightning gave him incredible powers he works with his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs -- that's all of you -- to stop the metahumans who--"

"Hey, whoa whoa whoa," Cisco said. "How do you know that?"

"Good poker face," Harry snapped.

"Wha-- right. I mean, 'what are you talking about, Miss--'"

Ovyah pointed at Iris. "She's his wife." She pointed at Caitlin. "She's a doctor with disassociation personality disorder and her alter can freeze things." She pointed at Harry. "He's from another universe and fried his brain with dark matter but hopes to get better someday." She pointed at Cisco. "You're my Master. I'm Ovyah, and let's play the Feud!"

"Play the Feud?" Harry asked, quietly.

"You don't have Family Feud on Earth-2?" Caitlin answered.

"Guys?" Iris sounded at least a little annoyed. She turned to look at Ovyah. "How do you know all this?"

Ovyah smirked, shrugging. "I'm a djinn. I know everything."

"Everything?" Iris asked, eyebrow up, clearly dubious.

"Everything. I like the burgundy undies, by the way, but you should match them. A cocoa bra doesn't really go with them, and at the very least Barry's gonna see them, right?"

Iris stared. She turned to where Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry were all looking at her. "Shut up. It's laundry day." She turned back to Ovyah. "So if you know everything... you know where Lisa Snart is, and you know what Damien Dahrk's plan is, too, right?"

"Yup, and yup!"

"Then it's very important you tell us," Barry said. He'd taken his mask down, walking next to Iris. "Ovyah... he's incredibly dangerous."

"I know he is. Sorry. Can't tell you."

There was a pause.

"Wait. You can out my underwear color mismatch and summarize our life choices but you can't tell us where the bad guy is?" Iris sounded even more dubious now.

"In a nutshell? Yes. It's part of the package. All knowing and powerful, but there are limitations to how I can use it."

"Wait -- I wish you'd tell us where Snart is and tell us Dahrk's plan," Cisco said. "I mean, I'm your master, right? How many of these wishes do I get, anyway?"

"You get unlimited wishes, but not wishes like that." She smiled. "I'm not an all-purpose djinn like Barbara Eden or Sinbad. I'm specifically a djinn of lust. I can grant literally any wish centered on desire, lust, sex... pretty much anything you'd find at the Playboy Mansion or most Telenovelas. If it's not lust related, it's out of my wheelhouse."

"So... what... you're some kind of... sin... djinn?" Cisco asked. "Hey -- Sin-Djinn!"

"'Cinjin' is how they pronounce Saint John as a name in England," Caitlin said. "Probably not the right feel."

"Mm. Yeah, okay. It's a work in progress."

"Ovyah," Barry said. "You're in danger. And limitations or not, it sounds like if your lamp gets into Dahrk's hands your power would be incredibly dangerous to the rest of us."

"Actually... you're all in danger 'cause Dahrk's a psycho, but I'll be fine. And the lamp doesn't matter any more."

"Wait, it doesn't?" Cisco asked. "'Cause we did a lot to get ahold of it instead of letting Lisa Snart get it."

"Oh, it mattered then, but then you released me and I incarnated, Master." Ovyah grinned. "That's a singular event. I am your djinn until you die. The lamp only comes back into play when you pass on and I go back to base state. Which I'd rather not happen any time soon... you're fun."

"...oh," Cisco said. "Okay... so... we win? Great. That was fast. Did that seem fast to you guys?"

"Think ahead, Ramon," Harry half-growled. "The lamp doesn't matter until you die. That doesn't mean we're done -- it means that as soon as Dahrk realizes that his goal becomes killing you so he can snipe your friend."

"Aww -- I'll be your friend too, if you want!"

"I don't make friends," Harry said. "And you have no idea how bad a headache I have right now."

"Actually, I know exactly how bad it is. And..." she looked innocent.

"What? What, you can fix my headache?"

Ovyah coyly bit her lip, looking pointedly at Cisco.

"...oh...kay... I... wish you'd fix Harry's headache?"

"There it is!" Ovyah walked -- sashayed, really -- across the room, stepping around Harry and sliding her hands to his shoulders, pressing her thumbs into the flesh next to his neck.

"Ow-- hey! What are you--" He shivered. "...okay, that feels..."

"Good? Yeah. Lust and desire..." she worked the muscles of his shoulder, then up to his temples, massaging. "A good back and scalp massage is very sensual, and since your burnout you hold all your tension in your upper back when you try to think the way you used to. A good crack--" She shifted to push her thumbs hard into his shoulders, making an audible pop. "...and hey, that feels good, doesn't it?"

"I..." Harry blinked, flushing. "A... little too good."

"Endorphin rush after breaking the knots and tension up. Triggers all kinds of hormones." She grinned.

"Okay. So... you're apparently omnipotent, but so far you've shown it off by literally giving a guy a neck rub?" Iris shook her head. "I'm not buying this."

"I'm a little dubious too but to be fair, that was some neck rub," Harry said. "I haven't felt this relaxed in days. How'd you even--"

"So what can you do?" Barry asked. "I mean, are we overestimating Darhk's interest in you?"

"Oh, no. You're not. You're just not thinking the way of me through," Ovyah said. "I can do anything, so long as you relate it back to desire or lust. So, mind control? So very in the portfolio. Emotional control the same. Any kind of effect you can think of, really. Put a lust spin on it and I'll happily do it. Heck, you could even wish for me to have appropriate supplemental powers. Disguise, say. Or pheromone control..."

"So... you can do anything if it's sexy enough? So if I said... I wish Lisa Snart was here in a lace teddy and tied to a bondage post, you'd--"

"What the Hell?!"

The Flash, mask back up, blurred in front of the newcomer... one that everyone in the room recognized.

"...okay, I didn't mean that," Cisco said.

"Oh, like I knew that," Ovyah said.

"I thought you knew everything." He looked at Snart's outfit -- a lace bustier, panties and stockings, as well as the elaborate ropes binding her to a tall steel post with hooks on it. "Nice work making the lace gold, I guess?"

"Cisco, what have you done?!" Snart snarled.

"Calm down, Lisa," the Flash said. He blurred, freeing her from the post and putting a S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt over her. "She's clean, guys. No gold guns or crystals or things."

"Cool. We'll get her a better outfit for the Pipeline," Iris said.

"You don't want to do that," Lisa said. "You wanted to know what Damien Darhk is up to? I may not like what you just did to me, but you actually just did me a favor, because this is pretty bad. And he's really pissed that lamp is a fake." She looked over at the lamp on the pedestal. "Hey--"

"Yeah, don't think about it," Cisco said. "Wouldn't do you any good, anyway."

"...yeah, well. That's fine with me. Darhk's not playing around, this time. He wants whatever was in that thing, and he intends to use it."

"To what? Take over the world?"

"No. He's done with that. He wants to destroy the world. And he'll happily start with all of you."

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