
Back with Black Cat

by exidor455
Storyline A Mad, Mad, Mad Marvel Universe
Characters Black Cat
Category Corruption
Previous Chapter The Mad Hatter sits down to have tea with Susan

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Felicia decided to have a nice relaxing bath, and she watched some news reports as she filled the tub, making sure there were plenty of bubbles. Again, the screen seemed to flicker intermittently and she wondered if she needed to get these glitches looked at, but after a few moments, she stopped registering them. It was as if some part of her mind had been told to ignore them…

Easing her luscious curves into the hot, steaming bubbles, she luxuriated in the bath, and ran her hands over her perfect skin, easing out the tension from her muscles. As she did, her eyes drifted closed, and she purred happily as she re-played the events of the previous night’s heist. The sheer joy of a successful heist had never faded, and she truly loved her work. But her memories were a bit weird. She could almost swear she had been wearing a version of her trademark latex cat-suit but with pink and purple horizontal stripes, instead of the usual black.

Well that was just darn weird, because she didn’t own such a suit! She had performed her feats of thievery in her usual shiny black latex with white fur trim. She didn’t own a pink and purple version! It would make her a bit too conspicuous. Still, she couldn’t deny that it would look damn hot. Shiny black latex was a classic look to be sure, but maybe she was getting bored with it? Maybe she should start to be a bit more flamboyant?

She giggled at the thought, and surprised herself with how loud it was in the large bathroom. “Hee-hee-HEE!” she giggled again, her eyes wide and her hand to her lips. She was surprised to find her mouth open wide and flashing her teeth in a wide grin. “Why am I behaving so nutty? Well, because it’s FUN! WHEEEEE!” she kicked her legs in the bath, sending a cascade of water and bubbles splashing across the floor.

“Ha-ha, ho-ho, hee-hee! Being CRAZY sets me FREEEE!”

She practically skipped from the bathroom, and passed several flickering screens as she went to the large mirrored wardrobe where she kept her Black Cat costumes. Pausing for a moment to admire her fabulous body, still glowing pink after her bath, she smiled at herself with a wide, bright smile, but also a mischievous one.

“Why, aren’t we looking particularly delicious tonight?”

“We are indeed! And are we talking to ourselves?”

“Well, we’re the most gorgeous kitty-kat in town, so why talk to anyone else?”

Still smiling broadly, she opened the wardrobe and fetched out some underwear, then paused. Black! Why must everything be black? She normally loved black, but tonight, she was finding it a bit too…black. It was time she put a bit of colour in her life. She dug through the wardrobe and flung several black undergarments behind her then squealed with delight, as she pulled out a bright pink thong and matching bra. Slipping them on, she admired the way the hot pink colour set off her skin.

“Shame to hide this vision of loveliness under that boring old black suit, but it’ll just have to do, for now.”

She pulled the tight latex up her toned thighs, slipped her arms into the sleeves, then zipped the front until just a hint of her pink bra was visible, lifting her large tits up to display a magnificent cleavage. She posed in front of the mirror, admiring the way the shiny latex gleamed in the lights of her apartment, clinging to her curves like a second skin.

But her brow furrowed. "Black! I want some COLOR! I want purple and pink stripes!”

She stamped her foot in mock anger, then smiled sweetly at her reflection again.

“Then you shall have it! Tomorrow, we’ll contact our usual supplier and order some pink and purple latex, and we’ll make the bestest suit that ever suited!”

“It won’t be very practical though. Not as stealthy as the black one. If only we were able to turn invisible, then we could wear whatever we wanted when carrying out our naughty kitty-capers!”

“Now, who do we know who can turn invisible? Why, the Invisible Woman, that’s who!”

“She wouldn’t want to share her tricks with us though, would she?”

Felicia’s wide smile faltered a little, as she found herself wondering why she was behaving so oddly, and why she was suddenly concerned with invisibility. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought about before.

“Besides, it would be a cruel shame to hide this glorious bod from view. Especially this beautiful smile!”

That struck a chord with her too – the thought of being invisible except for her wide, mischievous grin. What did that remind her of? And why was she suddenly thinking about hats, particularly big, green top-hats. And why did thinking about them make her feel so horny?

She shook her head again, as if trying to clear her thoughts, but the various screens in the room continued to bombard her mind with their subliminal onslaught.

She smiled at her reflection again and placed her domino mask over her eyes. “Well, I’m WAY too buzzed and wired to hang about in the apartment. I need to go out and have some FUN! And if I meet a tall, dark nut in a big green hat, so much the better!"

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