
Someone else gets the tape

by BigGuy
Storyline The JLA's new nemesis, Bubba
Characters Lex Luthor
Previous Chapter Wonder Woman gets her reward

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Lex Luthor had no time for whores.

The billionaire had never (directly) paid for sex in his life- there were plenty of women who were willing to cater to his needs without resorting to professionals. Consequently, he had never even looked at any of Bubba's tapes- he had subordinates who would view them, in case Mr. Luthor might have use of the services offered as payment to a colleague, or the like.

Otis Fleck was the lucky man, therefore, who first saw Wonder Woman's sex tape. He knew that this would be of interest to Mr. Luthor- he might even a get a bonus out of it! Of course, there was no reason not to enjoy himself first-

Several hours later, Fleck, somewhat worse for wear, walked into Luthor's office, DVD in hand.

"What is it, Fleck? You have one minute to explain why I shouldn't fire you right now."

Fleck said nothing- he knew only one thing would matter to Lex, and it wasn't words. He placed the DVD into an player, and fast-forwaded to Wonder Woman's first appearance.

Lex glanced at the screen- "A sex tape? Why in heaven's name would-" He stopped and stared. "Is this confirmed?"

"I ran biometrics, voice prints, everything I could think of- that is Wonder Woman. And Bubba- the madam- is offering her services to the highest bidder.  The information's at the end of the tape."

"Interesting. Thank you, Otis- you will find a nice bonus in your check this week. Leave the DVD with me." Otis turned to leave- he had gotten out of this unscathed!

"Otis- did you copy the tape?"

"Oh, no sir- it's uncopyable- any attempt will result in it becoming unreadable."

"Good- I don't like my employees spending their time in self-abuse."

As Fleck left, Luthor stared at the screen- the chance to fuck Wonder Woman was certainly intriguing- but not as much as the method this Bubba used to get her under control. She bore none of the hallmarks of hypnosis, or possession- she seemed to be herself, except for a few oddities in body language- she seemed to almost hide her breasts from her partners, for one- while, in his encounters with her, she had always presented herself proudly. No, having Wonder Woman for an hour might be enough for some- but Luthor wanted more. He would have to pay a visit to this Bubba- find out her secret.

"Mercy? I need you to make an appointment for me- but clear tonight's calender first."


Bubba lazily played with her nipple through the fabric od her blouse. Lex Luthor wanted to meet, eh? She didn't like enslaving potential customers- yes, she could get his money, but she didn't find him attractive at all. The problem was, men like him, once she had them, became obsessed- to the extent they basically became useless. She had, early on, thought that getting a multi-millionaire in her thrall would solve any money problems she could have. Harmon Jackson was perfect- worth around 200 million, made because he was a genius at programming- she could use his money, he could set up her website- and then, boom. It became obvious his work was suffering. Oh, he would do whatever she asked, on the simple promise of her smiling at him- but his company tanked withits CEO reduced to a lapdog- and his genius- well, it was hard for him to concentrate on 1s and 0s when he could think of Bubba's breasts.

So- what to do with Luthor? She knew he was dangerous- there were enough rumors about him, rumors that her little princess had confirmed. She didn't want the Society after her- but- she knew what he was after. And she wasn't going to work for him, or anyone. If necessary- Luthor would have to face Bubba's greatest weapons.

And Bubba didn't lose.

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