
She takes down Susan Storm.

by Regigigas Rules
Storyline Hive of the Wasp
Characters Wasp Sif Psylocke Valkyrie Invisible Woman
Category Corruption Mind Control
Previous Chapter Thordis goes after Sif.

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Susan Storm was alone at the Baxter Building, while the others were having a 'Dude Day'. She can can't belive her brother actually got Reed to actually agree to it. But she was enjoying the alone time relaxing.

"Hello, Sue." Said a voice. Just then something came out of a shadow in the room. It was Psylocke. As well as She-Hulk, Elektra, and Black Widow.

Susan remembered hearing about Janet's defection to evil, and who had been corrupted so far. She knew knew they were here for her. She turned invisible and ran off.

"She's in the hallway." Psylocke spoke telepathicly to the leader of another set of her fellow Hive sisters.

Sue ran as fast as she could to get to the control room and send a distress signal to the others. She stopped being invisble when she was far from the room the members of Janet's hive had appeared.

"Susan!" a voice said, as Sue got scared for a second.

"Don't worry it's me." Sif said, with Valkyrie by her side.

"Oh. Thank goodness, it's you. I thought you were one of Janet's slaves. Anyway, good to see you again Lady Sif, and you too Valkyrie." Sue said.

"Were friends, you can just call me Sif. Now we have to get to the control room right? That's where thou can contact the rest of thou team." Sif said.


"I shall help thou get there." Sif said.

"As shall I." Valkyrie said.

"Thank you." Sue started to walk forward.

"Psylocke, she fell for it. Thanks again for the telepathic link between the hive." Sif said in her mind.

"Glad to hear, her highness liked my idea. Anyway I will alert the queen."

They arrived after a few minuites and as soon as Sue opened the door something painful hit her face, blinding her for a few seconds. When she could clearly see again she saw infront of her, already in the control room, was Hornet Queen.

"NO!" Sue screamed, realizing what that pain must have been.

Janet, already in her small form, flew closer to to Sue, so Sue could hear her wings buzz. "Fury is only aware of my slaves at the time of Maria defection to my side. So you did not realize Valkery and Sif are mine. Aint that right.

Both Sif and Valkyrie kneed down on one knee. "

A look of pure terror came over Sue's face as she realized she had walked right into this trap so easily, and also realized could not hold on to her mind much longer.

"Oh don't worry Sue. I won't KILL you, but you are going to be a great member of my hive. See, it is a LIE what others say about you being so great. The truth is you are not superior to me. Now, arn't I right. I am the one superior to you.

"I.....I...I....Y..Ye...Yes.....My queen." Sue said, and surrendered.

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