
Makoto attempts to fight them.

by trashcollector24
Storyline Sailor Senshi
Characters Sailor Jupiter Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Venus
Previous Chapter The dark senshi go after Makoto/Sailor Jupiter.

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Sailor Jupitor dropped to her knees and the Dark Senshi cackled with glee at Makoto's despair.  They encircled her, one at each cardinal point ready to capture the last member of the inner senshi.  Makato looked at each of them and her blood ran cold at the sight of her corrupted friends.  

Perhaps the worst to look at was Minako, the blank look in her eyes and stiff movements reminded Makoto of a doll and she bowed her head trying to think of anything she could say to return her friends back to normal.  Unable to think of anything and not wanting to fall prey to the same darkness that had twisted her teammates and friends.

Extending the pointer and pinkie fingers on both hands Sailor Jupiter proclaimed, "I don't know what evil has turned you and made enemies of my friends.  Such evil is an abomination to our friendship and though I hate it, in the name of Jupiter I will punish you."

Mercury scoffed in to an upraised hand, "You will fare no better than the others and will become a handmaiden of our Master.  Dark Mars, if you would?"

Whatever Rei was going to do Makoto wouldn't allow it to happen and extending the rod in her tiara, she raised up her hands in the air focusing all her power on that rod.  A nimbus of light emerged from the tip, growing larger till stray bolts of lightning cracked through the air hitting the lights on the field and exploding the lights within.  The dirt around her was pushed away in a perfect sphere raising a cloud of dust. All four of the Dark Sailors are unprepared for the blinding flash of light but even more than that Jupiter's spell causes them to clutch their heads as for a brief moment the cover of darkness was pushed back from their minds and they knew who they were before and realized what had happened to them.  Filled with revulsion they hit the ground and began to weep.

Makoto could hardly believe what she was seeing, dismissed her attack, and ran up to Usagi trying to help her to her feet but was quickly pushed pushed away.  "No Jupiter, this is only temporary, already I can feel the desire to serve my Master and plunge this world into darkness.  You need to get to Setsuna and tell her what's happening.  It won't be long till we all recover and Mar's changes you to serve as the final piece in our plan to bring our Master to this world.  In fact, why don't you just stay, I promise that with just a little taste, it'll only be a matter of time till you see reason like Rei and be begging for it."

Jupiter pulled away from Dark Moon's grasping hands and not knowing what else to do Jupiter continued to her destination hoping that the Outers would have the key to the world's salvation.

Dark Mercury hated Jupiter for having defeated her, she wouldn't just turn the little bitch in to a slut like Dark Venus and become just another rugmuncher.  Dark Mercury would have her soul devoured by Mar's demons before this night was through as her Master was her witness.  Somehow she would have to come up with an effective counter measure for Jupiter's latest trick.

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