
She tries to run

by Aelvir
Storyline Shin Calibur
Characters Aeris (VG Cats)
Previous Chapter Meanwhile....

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'I have to get out of here!' she said in her mind almost nigh-instantaneously.
As she took two swift, large steps away from the fearsome pirate, he was already in front of her prior to her moving.
"No use!" the dynamic voice rang before her.
He came after her like he was aggregating her.
Cervantes performed a reverse roundhouse kick with his left leg, followed by a back kick to her abdominal region with his right leg, causing her to bend over herself near-instantly. Cervantes ten, at that exact moment in time, extend both of his arms forward simultaneously (his left arm with Acheron pointed directly downward, his right arm with Nirvana position slight above Acheron's pommel with Nirvana's barrel pointing forward), before stepping forward with his left leg and turning around fully clockwise and raising his right foot as one would with an axe kick, but instead of bringing it down as in an axe kick, he brings it down with a high-impact heel stomp to her Occiput. Driving her upper body and face into the ground first.

The impact was so greatly intense, she no less than half-expected herself to die from that. She recognized both those attacks he just did as Anchor Steep Kick and Anchor Bow Heel.
Suddenly, certain specific degree of weight was felt on her.

"Ghh...!", she at last now knew what was going on. She heard a notable 'shltt!' sound from her pants, not of her zipper, but it fellt like something was thrusted into her so forceful it penetrated through her pants. Her ass pulsated both with fear and anxiety along with whatever just got inside it.
"No, no nooot thiis!" she screamed.
Cervantes pumped even stronger into her, as her legs retracted forward, her legs now locked against each other, side by side, and nearly tucked against her chest.
"Don't..!!! St...st-stop this! Please!!"
Without barely any effort on Cervantes' part, the pain she felt from when those myriad of black guys fucking raped her ruthlessly those many months back was nothing compared to this.
'In fact, it feels seventeen times worse.' she said in her mind.

'What the..?'

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