
Go after Siegfried.

by Aelvir
Storyline Shin Calibur
Characters Aeris (VG Cats) Siegfried Schtauffen
Previous Chapter Aeris catches it with her tail.

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"Arghh! I can't stay her all day long!" she said as she got up from the chair. She went out for the very same door as Siegfried had done quite earlier.

Aeris looked ahead and saw a dim and distant figure, but still ably visible, even to her, atop a short but still steep hill. She hasted up the low hill and managed to meet up with the figure, causing the figure to turn around in response.

As Aeris had expected, the figure was in fact Siegfried.
"Aeris? What are you..-" he began.
"I'm sorry but I just can't." she she blurted stammeringly.
"I told you..that this has nothing to do with you, and I do not want it to." Siegfried said.
"No! I just stand by and do nothing..! I'll never be like that, and I never want to find myself in such a damn position..!" she exclaimed.

"..." Siegfried then grew silent.
Thenafter, a sad look emerged upon Aeris' face.
"...and also, I just can't stand to be alone." she said.
"If I'm to be alone, ....It's with someone that I trust...'fully'."

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