
Batman curious of the disappearances comes across Karen's old empty nest.

by mercury01
Storyline Power Species
Characters Power Girl Batwoman (Kate Kane) Batman
Category DC Corruption Female Dom Pregnancy M/F Growth Transformation
Previous Chapter Lyta, Kate and Atlee mutate further, becoming more and more like broodmares.

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Bantman climbed into the apartment and coughed, snapping a filter on his mask. The air was thick with a cloying, pungent stench, and the walls were coated in many layers of yellowish resin. He flicked on a flashlight and looked around. It had been Karen Starr's apartment, but now it looked like the empty hive of some enormous insect. The walls and furniture were smashed, coated in resin until they were almost unrecognizable, and used to shape hollows and platforms. There were dried husks hanging on the walls and ceiling like rotten fruit.

"Good lord," he muttered as he examined one more closely, seeing shreds of black and red leather. He opened his communicator, alerting the Justice League. "Batman here. I think I know what happened to Batwoman. Terra, too. I hypothesize it might have taken Power Girl first, then attacked anyone that came to her apartment. It looks like they were... digested in these sacs."


Power Girl roared as she breached the water, the giant serpent coiled around her body, biting at her. It was the last of Kal-El's zoo specimens, and it was tenacious, like it knew Karen was a stronger predator. Its fangs punctured the soft flesh under her foreleg and she felt hot venom coursing into her, enough to kill a rampaging bull elephant. It merely made her mad.

Twisting and bucking, she rolled with the serpent, flexing her body in ways she would have thought impossible with her bulky fat and swollen breasts. Karen managed to catch the beast in her claws and bit down, but her jaws did more than inject venom.

Blood swirled in the water as she feasted on the creature, crunching down on its bones and shredding its succulent meat, greedily gulping it down and savouring the fresh and delicious meal. Karen rose out of the water and stalked back to her nest, her body growing larger and larger as she metabolized the feast. She'd eaten nearly fifty tons of animals and almost as much in alien plant life, stripping the pens to their dirt floors as she'd gorged on the foliage.

She realized how much she'd grown when she returned, unable to fit atop the mound that was her throne. Lyta, Atlee and Kate were as toddlers to her size and the males were smaller still.

"Mother," Lyta cried out below her. "You're magnificent!" She cradled a belly that was swollen with new brood. The males had seemed to develop almost as if responding to the needs of the Queen, growing larger and bulkier, like gorillas. They tended to favour a four-legged stance, but lost none of their manual dexterity.

"Thank you, daughter," Karen purred in gratitude at the compliment. Her body had grown to the size of a whale, becoming almost 100 feet long and over 200 tons! She felt a new craving come over her and lifted her tail, exposing her pussy, slick with juice. By instinct, a group of males ran to her, their erections bobbing. Karen sighed in delight as they eagerly penetrated her, their expanded cocks giving her a thrill. More of her swarm gathered at her nipples, latching on to the teats and sucking down her nourishing milk. She let her tongue loll, basking in pleasure.

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