
She goes after Mary Jane

by Drake G. Reaper
Storyline Gwen Stacy, Supervillainess!
Characters Gwen Stacy She-Venom Mary Jane Watson Carnage symbiote
Previous Chapter It's the Venom symbiote, who wants her as it's new host.

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Having left the cemetery She-venom moves to the top of a nearby building to better plan out what she's going to do next. "We should take our revenge on Spider-man but a direct attack would most certainly fail." She-venom paces back and forth on the rooftop in thought. "Although we are most certainly more powerful we will need help."

Thinking about her predicament some more she decides on a course of action. "We need assistance to take down Spider-man and anyone else in our way." Knowing this She-venom realizes that the only people she felt she could go to would be another female with a symbiote. Which gives her an idea.

"We have decided we will go after Mary Jane Watson and gift her with a symbiote freeing her from Spider-man." She-venom says then web swings into the city heading for Peter's and Mary Jane's home.

Arriving outside of where Mary Jane and Peter live She-venom slips into a nearby alley where she has her costume shift into a standard funeral dress. Using memories the symbiote acquired from Peter she enters there home without tripping any of the alarms. Once inside she finds Mary Jane relaxing  and reading a fashion magazine.

Moving faster then Mary Jane can react She-venom knocks out Mary Jane. She-venom then proceeds to do interior decorating by having the symbiote spread out all over the room. Several hours later Mary Jane awakens bound  to a wall with black webbing only to see a blonde-haired woman dressed in a funeral dress.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Mary Jane asks the woman.

She-venom turns to where Mary Jane is tied up. "Don't you remember us Mary Jane we have only been dead for a little while." She-venom replies before removing her hat and funeral veil.

Gasping in shock at the sight of her lover's ex back from the dead. "Gwen is that you but you died."

"Yes we were Gwen Stacy once but she died when Spider-man let us die. Now there is only She-venom." She answers as her outfit shifts back to the full black costume with a spider on her chest and fang filled mouth.

Mary Jane flinches in fear at the sight of She-venom. "Yes we recall you fear us we can see it. We could kill you so easily, we could snap your scrawny little neck, or perhaps we could split your skull open so many choices." She-venom says enjoying the look of fear on her face. "As enjoyable as it would be to leave your broken and dying body for Spider-man to find that's not why I'm here."

"You're not going to kill me." Mary Jane says trembling in fear.

"No we're not the reason we're here is to free you from Spider-man." She-venom states in a serious tone.

"Free me? You have got to be kidding me why would I even need to be free from Spider-man?" Mary Jane asks.

"If you stay with him then your likely to end up just as dead as we used to be." She-venom replies.

Taken aback by this Mary Jane asks another question. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well you know how we died, thrown off a bridge by the Green Goblin only for Spider-man to try his bear minimum to save us. Now he has you but for how long eventually he'll find someone new and the next thing you Mary Jane has fallen to her death with Spider-man just being a bit too late to save your life." She-venom explains.

Refusing to believe what She-venom has said she tries to rid herself of her doubts but a part of her can't stop wondering if Spider-man has been seeing Felicia or one of the many female Avengers behind her back. Her train of thought is then broken by She-venom clearing her throat.

"Now as nice as it is that you're realizing just what kind cheating bastard Peter is. We have a proposition for you." She-venom tells her.

"Yeah what is it?" Mary Jane asks.

"You see since we've been brought back we have been doing a lot of thinking recently and come to the realization that men are not worthy of any form of power and it is our right as women to be in charge and for men to be our servants and slaves. Unfortunately even knowing the power I now weild thanks to our symbiote I still need help." She-venom explains.

Having told Mary Jane of her goals she moves to the kitchen and then returns with a red and black symbiote roughly taking a human like shape. She-venom walks up to where Mary Jane is tied up and tears away the webbing releasing her.

"Mary Jane this is where you have a choice to make either you join with our lovely daughter." She gestures to the red and black symbiote. "Or continue living your life dreams unfulfilled, powerless to change your destiny. So MJ what are you going to chose?"   

Mary Jane takes a moment although she fully believes that She-venom is insane she can't help but feel she did have a point. Looking at the red and black symbiote and the exit she gathers up her courage to answer She-venom.

"I choose the symbiote." Mary Jane chooses.

She-venom turns to the red and black symbiote nodding to it. The symbiote jumps at Mary Jane quickly destroying her clothes as it proceeds to bond with her. Similar to with Gwen's bonding Mary Jane's breasts have swollen to a triple D-cup, while at the same time the symbiote is stimulating her vagina and ass giving her a very pleasurable experience. Now fully covered in the symbiote Mary Jane's face has been covered by a mask very similar to Gwen's the main difference is that her hair has also changed becoming a mass of prehensile red and black tentacles.  With the bonding now complete the symbiote bonded Mary Jane looks to She-venom for instructions.

"You are absolutely lovely our dear daughter we must not forget to name you." She-venom ponders while stroking Mary Jane's face. Seeing Mary Jane's bladed hair and clawed hands and feet she knows just what to name her new daughter. "I know just what to name you our dear you shall be known as Carnage for that is what you shall deliver unto our enemies pure carnage." She tells he daughter.

"Mother when shall we get our revenge on Spider-man?" Carnage asks.

Surprised She-venom reasons that the symbiotes genetic memory and some of her own memories must have passed on to her daughter. "Not yet dear but we will for now let's..."


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