
Trask regains his senses at the last minute...could something else be going on here?

by MacroLass
Storyline X-Men: The Stepford Submission
Characters Rogue Gambit
Category Marvel and DC
Previous Chapter After Trask deals with the Hammer Industries mess, he takes his frustrations out by doing more modding on Ororo

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Suddenly, like a dash of cold water, Trask realized that his anger was misdirected.  Perhaps punish the mutant would be FUN...but it'd do little to solve his situation.  And what he needed now more than anything was answers.  He told a deep breath and lowered his voice.  "It's just some tests, Ororo.  Nothing at all to worry about.  You know that no one would hurt you here in Stepford, not while your best friend Kitten is taking care of you...."

The brunette mutant's brainwashing kicked in.  "Of course not.  Victor is my fiance and a kind, wonderful, gentle man.  He'll take good care of you Ororo, I promise...."  She gave her a loving kiss on the cheek.

The african-american mutant wasn't so sure.  She knew she could trust him...but something in the back of her mind kept screaming that something was wrong...

*  *  *  *

With nerve damaged trembling hands, Hammer reached out to Anne-Marie's breasts and grabbed them, burying his fingers deep in her pliant flesh.  Her response was a throaty Marilyn Monroe-like "OOOOOOO!!!" as she came from the groping as her tits slipped out of her dress to bob freely atop her chest.  "Ah'm yours Justin," she purred in her cornpone accent.  "Play with me..make me yoah dream doll!"

He pulled back, smirking.  "You'll do," he snapped at her.  "Go put on that latex nurse's uniform, it's time for my sponge bath."

"Rahght away sugah!", she declared, hustling over to a closet in the small sealed apartment.  She still couldn't believe how lucky she was to have a perfect man like Justin to be her husband...just the sight of his withered twisted body get her all worked up.  If her body wasn't completely sealed now she'd be creaming all over herself...

Hammer smirked.  "Well done Doctor Rao.  You and McCoy have performed admirably."

She inclined her head to him, beaming.  "It's an honor and a privledge to work for you and Hammer Industries, sir."

"...as have you, Fixer."  He cackled as a small holographic image of the villain appeared from a projector on the table.  "The subliminals you put in Trask's brainwashing turned them into our agents."  The Indian just smiled at this turn of events...since this was just what her hidden employers had wanted to happen.

"Just like I predicted they would, Mr. Hammer," the image stated arrogantly.  "Stage 2 should proceed just as smoothly.  Our other agent Cari has started slipping other subliminals into Trask's news reports and recreational music which will start making him more irrational and unbalanced.  Once he goes completely off his nut, McCoy will 'regretfully' step in and take control of the project...bringing Stepford and its facilities under your direct control."

"And allowing you access to a first grade manufacturing facility," Hammer interjected.  "I'm not the only one benefiting here...and you've been well paid for your services."

"You're lucky that we found you drifting out in space when we were returning to earth," Fixer pointed out.  "And your illness is in remission thanks to my bio-genic repulsor...but until we can clone you a new body you're going to have to stay in that sterile environment."

"The plan WILL work!", the industrialist insisted, "as long as those fool heroes don't figure out what we're doing..."

*  *  *  *

"Ummmm...well...t'ank you, Bardie," Gambit managed to stammer.  **Eye contact Remy, eye contact!,** he reminded himself as he forced his gaze up from her heaving mammaries.

"Not at all," the ditzy housewife said with a smile as she straightened up.  She turned to go back to the counter and poor Gambit found it wasn't any easier to keep his thoughts chaste as she was completely bareassed from behind!  "It's the duty of every Stepford wife to be kind, charitable, loving and obedient to any man.  That's why Stepford is the perfect place to live!"

Something was very wrong about all of this but it was getting harder and harder to think as he finished his sandwich and his glass of milk.  His last thought was how he wished he could have a bite of that pie...as he slumped down face first onto his plate.

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