
Madame Web decides she doesn't like this path and changes something in Gwen's past

by Cantraps
Storyline Spider-Gwen
Characters Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman)
Category Transformation
Previous Chapter The new webslinger's adventures begin

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Gwen woke and sat up in bed idly rubbing at the mark where the spider had bitten her the day before. It hadn't really hurt at the time but now the bite was swollen and blackening. Se thought back to the day before. The spiders had been fascinating. She'd watched the evil looking black spider that had ended up biting her eat about six of the little ones. The label on the tank hadn't listed more than one type and the picture had been of just the little ones. She wondered if the big black spider was an interloper. Either way it had polished off the little red and blue genetically modified spiders in no time, wrapping them up in it's web and sucking the juices out of them.

She pushed off her covers, popped on her glasses and jumped out of bed.

"Woah!" she cried as she nearly lost her footing. The room was blurred. No wait, she took off her glasses. The room wasn't blurred, her eyes were fixed! She'd needed glasses for all of her life and suddenly she had 20-20 vision! She put her glasses down on her bedside table and walked over to her full length mirror. She gasped.

Gwen had always tried to keep herself fit but what she saw in the mirror was something else. She pulled off her pyjamas and gawped at her body. Every ounce of fat was gone, her sin was flawlessly smooth and her muscles were defined. Not overly obvious but toned. Her waist looked slimmer and her butt had taken on a lovely pert curvyness. The biggest difference was on her chest. Where before had been a pair of nice breasts that Gwen was fine with now sat the most perfect set of breasts Gwen had ever seen. They were full without being too big and there wasn't an inch of sag. Gwen reached up and grabbed them in her hands, gasping at the new sensitivity.

"What the hell?" she mouthed.

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