
Kryptonite Queen takes hostages.

by Anzaleth
Storyline The Online Questionnaire
Previous Chapter Lois answers the question about her muscles

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"Kryptonite Queen?"

She turned around to see Jimmy Olsen standing there in shock.
"What are you -- ughhhh"
Lulabelle pressed one huge hand against Jimmy's mouth, hoisting him into the air.
"Shhhh, or I squeeze your head like an orange," she purred, putting a finger to her lips. "Naughty, naughty little boi. You and all the others try to keep me apart from my dear Superboi. Deep down he wants me, worships me, and once I break him into little pieces, he will realize that. That his deepest desire is to kiss my toes."
Jimmy struggled desperately against her grip. 
"Mmmm, you struggle so cutely, little Jimmy," Krytonite Queen cooed. "It make my fat, juicy clit so hard. I break you too. Once I am married to my swishy, swooning boi-bride, we will need servants, yes?"
Then she stopped in shock.
"What am I doing? I'm not some horrible villainess! I have to get ahold of myself! Superman will help me!"
The former Lois Lane snatched the signal watch off Jimmy's hand.
"I'll summon him! He'll help me get back to normal!"
* * *
"Run! Run!" Croc roared as the people fled from him. "Fear the wrath of Croc!"
"Run less Clayface consumes you!" Clayface shattered a wall.
Mad Hatter was starting to sweat. How had he agreed to join forces with these two lunatics? This wasn't what he'd wanted at all.
"It's the Batmobile!" Croc growled.
Indeed, the large intimidating car rolled up and opened, revealing the two heroes.
"Yo-yo-yo! Robin in da house!" Regina Robin yelled as she leaped out. "What up, bitches!"
"Break you!" Croc yelled.
"Really?" Madame Fledermaus purred. "That was my idea." The drag queen cracked her whip.  "Dance for me, darlings. I will make you squeal!"
* * *
"Alfred, is Bruce here?" Barbara Gordon asked.
"No, madame," Alfred said, bowing low.. "Is there a problem?"
"Yes. I need some help with a case."

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