
(MILFburg) Where is Lily driving Kitty and Laura in Preggo Town?

by Drake G. Reaper
Storyline Tf cities
Previous Chapter [Milfburg] Continue with Lily, Laura and Kitty as they explore more of Preggo Town

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"Well, Kitty where else but a hospital gotta make sure our bundles are nice happy and healthy " Lily tells the pair.

Kitty claps excitedly. "Oh Laura isn't that great we get to see how our babies are growing, We should get ultrasounds together and we can see what sex our little ones will have."
"Hm, I don't know I'm not all that comfortable around hospitals. " Laura replies really unsure about everything.
"Oh I get it you want it to be a surprise that's fine, Laura, we don't have to do anything you don't want but this is about the babies so at least get a check-up. " Lily says stopping the car.
The two X-men step out to see various doctors helping other massively pregnant women while being pregnant themselves. Following Lily into the hospital they reach the front desk with the woman behind it being the most massively pregnant woman they've seen so far. Her belly hung past her knees the two X-women are just wondering how many babies must be in there.
" Dr. Unohana how are things?" Lily asks.
" They're fine Ms. Page tell me are you having any problems concerning your unique biology?" Dr. Unohana asks.
"Nah everything's great I'm actually here for these two behind me wondering if you could squeeze them in for an appointment " Lily responds.
" I'll see what I can do you girls should take a seat." Dr. Unohana tells them.
"You got it Doc." Lily brings the two over to the waiting area.
"So Lily what did the doctor mean by unique biology?" Kitty asks.
"Oh, that I'm a dragon. " Lily states as if it's no big deal.
Laura and Kitty look at each other thinking to ask more questions but decide to drop it and read some magazines in the waiting room.

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