
Emma and Jubilee get shown around June Cleaver Circle

by Anzaleth
Storyline Tf cities
Previous Chapter (MILFburg) Where is Lily driving Kitty and Laura in Preggo Town?

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"Now, doesn't this look nice?" Elizabeth Anne Summers-Harris smiled as she showed Jubilee and Emma Frost around June Cleaver Circle.

Emma looked at all the pretty suburban houses with their picket fences and charming lawns, all the ladies in their floral dresses and 50' hairdos, their bright make-up and tactful jewelry. Normally Emma Frost would snort disdainfully at such sterile, dull Jude Cleaver-esque lives, with their paltry little dreams of a new washer and dryer, a casserole roasting in the oven.
But she had to admit that it had a certain kitsch charm, all these pretty houses with the pretty ladies.
"Why don't you come and meet some of the neighbours," Elizabeth asked. "We could have some tea."
Jubilee nodded and patted her hair, making sure her bun was in place, and her pretty gold earrings. It was such a lovely neighborhood, so wholesome and friendly. So many of the people the X-Men met were so nasty and horrid. Such a lovely change to meet some nice people....
* * *
"Well, what do you think?" Emma Swan asked as she lifted her hands.
Storm and Sage looked with curiosity at the neighborhood of Cougar Town. There were quite a lot of cafes, restaurants, and night clubs, as well as various stores selling clothes of all sorts, from stylish shoes to lingerie, and more than a few kinky sex shops.
But the most startling thing was all of the imposing older women sauntering around, most of them in surprisingly saucy outfits. A whole lot of tight yoga pants, leopard-spotted slacks, halter tops, very low-cut dresses, and all sorts of flashing jewelery. All of the men seemed much younger, delicate little sissies dressed in tight tops, tight pants, fawning over the women --- delicate in everything except the impressive bulges between their legs.
"Let's have a coffee, okay?" Emma said as she strutted to the nearest cafe, where eager male waiters hurried around with various orders for the ladies.
* * *
"So, who is the lucky daddy?" one of the other women in the waiting room asked Kitty.
Kitty looked down at her huge belly. A daddy? She supposed that made sense. The babies would have come from somewhere. Who was it? Piotr? Logan?

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