
The Normandy responds to Jack's distress call

by darkraven32179
Storyline Mass Effect: The Illusive Man's Revenge
Characters Commander Shepard Liara T'Soni Miranda Lawson Subject Zero/Jack
Category Bimboization F/F Corruption
Previous Chapter Jack unleashes hell on the night club

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"There that's the last of them" Shepard grunted as she placed the last storage crate Liara had thrown into the shuttle from their escape on the ground. Already the asari and drell had a portion of the room, Miranda's personal office, set up. Multiple screens ran along the wall while on the opposite side a small mainframe containing all of the broker's data was being set up and would be intergrated with EDI's own systems to help increase performance. Not that any of it really mattered to the commander, she was only glad that Liara was back on the ship, she never reliezed how much she missed her blue lover until after she got back from the Omega four relay. "So how long will it take until you guys are finished with all this?"

"Oh well set up was easy Shepard, it'll take some time before were back up to normal operations, but I should have operatives reporting back to me soon." Liara spoke as she continued to work on the mainframe. "To be honest without EDI we probably wouldn't be as far as we are now."

"It was my pleasure doctor." The AI's voice chimmed in.

"Yeah she's great to have around." Shepard said with a smile. "Well if you need anything just ask ok Liara?"

"Ok and tank you Shepard it's great to sactually be back."

"Yeah well it just wasn't the same without you." Shepard said causing the asari to blush lightly as she took her leave, heading for the elevator.

"Commander we got an incomming transmission coming from... Jack that can't be right." Joker spoke through the intercom.

"Put it through to my cabin Joker."


Entering her private cabin Shepard headed for her personal computer pressing a few buttons before Jack's voice was soon heard. "Normandy, this is Jack. You pricks better be close by, because I need extraction right fucking now. Tell Chakwas I’ve got… wounded.”

"Jack it's Shepard what's going on." Shepard asked concern in her voice.

"Shepard thank god, Look me and the cheerleader had a small run in with Cerberus and they did something to her..... get off me." Jack growled on the other side. "But Jack." another voice whinned that sounded a lot like Miranda.

"Jack what did Cerberus do?"

"I on't fucking know they had her hooked up to some machines but I think I stopped most of it though her sister wasn't so lucky look Shepard I can explain it all later after you come pull my ass out of the fire alright." the biotic said completely frustrated.

"Alright send your coordinates and find someplace to bunker down we'll be there as soon as we can." Shepard spoke before the line closed, heading straight to the CIC.


After getting her message through Jack had quickly grabbed the two sisters and departed the club, though not before using a few of her skills and leaving a small present for the assholes inside. The three had walked a few blocks and found a small apartment to hold up in. "Alright you twowe just need to sit tight and wai..." jack's words were cut off as the now blonde haired Miranda tackled her down to the ground.

"Oh thank you sooo much for saving us mistress Jack." Miranda giggled as she pinned the bald woman under her. "Now if only there was some way I could repay you for being such a great hero." The blode quickly leaned in and captured the other biotics lips with a kiss.

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