
In Circe's palace, her fears and lusts are brushed aside as three Sergals appear in front of her.

by Grimmer
Storyline Wonder Woman: What's a Sergal?!
Previous Chapter Wonder Woman needs help if she's going after Circe.

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 Circe shivered as the latest thought struck here paranoid brain. What if Diana seduced her with her powerful new body, toyed with her, allowed herself to be petted and belly-rubbed only to then gobble her down slowly. A leg here, an arm there, intestines torn from her body only for Diana to allow them to regrow back just to eat them one massive chomp at a time? The combination of fear and lust, much like it had been doing the past week or so, caused Circe's usually well-controlled mind to crumble as she thought about more and more terrors waiting for her when Diana came to the island.

Her body suddenly stilled as she realized someone was breaking through her concealment spell with the ease of a person tearing through wet toilet paper. She had not time to react as three Sergals suddenly appeared before her. Her mind went numb, her legs pedaling backwards as she tried to put as much distance between herself and monsters as possible.

"N-no, stay back, you...you pigs!"

Her magic lashed out, striking the shortest Sergal, something about the monster seemed familiar, but Circe's thoughts stilled as she realized that her power had no effect. Instead her energies were twirling around the amused-looking being before the energy rushed back at Circe. She couldn't raise a shield in time and suddenly Circe found herself on four trotters. Her body was massively fat, her newly-gained pig's tail twitching as she gave a great squeal, doing her best to maneuver her obese form. The Sergals only appeared that much larger and Circe snorted as she looked away from their vastness and darted towards the farthest corner of the room. Her snout ran into something very muscular and quite furry. A paw/talon hybrid that appeared like it belonged to some ancient harpy. Looking up, the porcine Circe gaped and a terror unlike any other she'd felt before filled her body, her bowels loosening in a mighty torrent and squishing against the spotless marble of her bedroom.

That face! Circe tried to speak but could only grunt, oink, or squeal. She wanted to purge that terrifyingly monstrous face out of her mind forever! The muzzle curled back, revealing fangs that could most likely rend through stone. But it was the eyes, so very dark and deep, that truly caused her to let loose another bowel movement. Plopping onto her belly, admittedly not a far trip considering her pig gut was already touching the floor, Circe closed her eyes and wished this latest fear-born nightmare from her mind.

When she opened her eyes again, Circe gaped as a scent came to her snout and a very kind, very lovely Sergal was now looking right at her. The scent, pure ambroisa really, tickled her snout and the gentle look in those blue eyes had Circe snorting and oinking like mad. Diana! This was her archenemy, the cause of so much vexation and strife, the antithesis of all she loved in the world, but how...how could she ever think that now. She wasn't the monster Circe had feared she would become, she was still herself, still honest and caring and why had she never seen those qualities before? She hadn't been blind, had she? Diana radiated caring and Circe averted her eyes from that knowing, loving, gaze.

A furry hand sunk deeply into the fat under her head and drew Circe's gaze back into Diana's own. "You're not going to cause me anymore trouble, are you Circe?" Circe grunted an affirmative. "When I have my lovely Zatanna change you back to your normal form you'll do nothing as she releases all those men and women you've enslaved and changed here, won't you?" Another grunt. "You'll come with me and my dear mates to meet my mother and the rest of the Amazons you've betrayed and hurt, correct?" A deeper grunt this time, Circe nodding fiercely. Diana smiled at that, moving past Circe and opening the door to Circe's bedroom with a light tap of her finger, physical and mystical might combining to achieve the feat. Circe could only watch in a daze as Zatanna undid her spells and the confused slaves she had became the men and women they had been. Most left but some jeered and mocked her, Diana not doing a thing as the former animals vented their imprisonment. Finally the last person left and Circe trotted along at Diana's heel, oinking a bit as the fresh air of her island hit her snout full bore.

She didn't care that she was still a pig as she followed Diana into the invisible jet, didn't mind the fearsome Sergal, the only male among the group she realized, staring at her before turning his attention to his fellow Sergals.

There was only Diana, the person she loved more than anyone else in all of Hades, Earth, or Olympus.

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