
The fatter Mari waddles her way up to Diana, Zatanna, and Circe a few hours later. The League has arrived.

by Gorel
Storyline Wonder Woman: What's a Sergal?!
Characters Wonder Woman
Category DC WG
Previous Chapter Cheetah's gathered a few items, Dinah, Diana, Mari, and Zatanna give birth, and Circe starts drinking from Diana's breasts.

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Admiring the view of Zatanna’s spherical belly looming over her like a massive boulder Diana shook her head in surprise of her handy work. Inside the black furry dome of the magician’s womb were over five hundred children growing within her. Having finished their meal Wonder Woman floated up to see Zatanna’s face close up, the Sergal having gone quiet the last few minutes. Zatanna's eyes were closed, her mouth gaping and quivering while her tongue lolled out of her long snout. Every so often she was reaching down to what she could with her talons or tweaking her cork sized nipples, exciting a spurt of rich cream from her massive breasts. It was at that moment Wonder Woman knew what was going on.

"They’re kicking." Reaching out with her own talon Diana felt dozens of kicks meet her palm and that was with the spot she placed her claw over. All around Zatanna’s belly she could see little bumps and jolts over the furry surface. The magician was so over stimulated she was locked in a perpetual state of orgasm that rocked her very core. Looking slightly down behind her friend she chuckled to find her wriggling her much wider hips, her juices slick down her furry thighs and under belly. "I wonder what you’ll experience when your water breaks…"

Sniffing the air Diana’s smile broadened, looking over the dome of her lover’s belly Wonder Woman noticed Mari coming up to them from the beachfront. Hovering her way down to where Vixen stood Diana smirked at the heroine, her appetites seemed to have gotten the better of her and were now shoeing on her now ample frame. Had she still been human Mari would have looked over 300 pounds, now a female sergal standing 7 feet tall she was far more than that. Her broad hips sported round meaty ass cheeks that jiggled with every step, her taloned feet digging deep into the sand where her saurian tail wagged slowly, leaving streaks in the beach like some serpent. Her belly and breasts were full and round, her own pregnancy making her belly button exposed and her nipples stiff. Despite her new weight her face was just as lean and angular as the rest of the sergals on Themyscira, her jowls hanging slightly behind her jawline and her neck getting thicker when it reached her shoulders. "Well now you’ve certainly gained some haven’t you?"

"Doesn’t help that my animal totem is amplified with this body, you’ve ever had the appetite of a Tyrannosaurus? I broke the bench I was sitting on while eating lunch." Bringing her talon to her snout Diana tried to stifle a laugh, the two looking over to the furry orb sitting behind Wonder Woman. "What is that?"

"THAT is Zatanna, I sired over 500 children in her… Perhaps I gave her too many."

"I’m surprised she didn’t pop. Oh! By the way I came over to tell you the rest of the League ‘popped’ by, guess they were curious when you dropped by the watch tower and turned a few before leaving."

Feeling embarrassed Diana scratched the back of her head, waving off sheepishly. How was she supposed to know that pregnancy hormones would make her so… Giddy. Her joy was manic when she brushed by Dinah and Oliver, and Hawk Man WAS an accident but at least he was a FUN accident. Turning her head towards the direction of the town square Wonder Woman smirked before turning to Circe and Zatanna.

"Circe, tend to Zatanna until it is her time, I have to address my friends."

Looking up from her place at the beach Zatanna nodded, raising her hands up almost like she were praising Diana. "Do not worry Princess, she will be tended to, you have my word." Knowing that her lover was in good hands Diana and Mari fell to all fours and ran back to the city, despite their size and bulk the two moved faster than the horses the amazons kept in the stables.


Running up to the center of Themyscira Diana stopped and stood to her full height, her smile wide and threatening to crack all the way back to her jaw line she could see Superman, the Flash, Green Lantern and the rest of her friends stand in the middle of the market square. Her sisters reacting with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. Walking up to meet Superman face to face the Sergal Goddess chuckled at their size difference, her talons at her wide hips in a showy stance. The man of steel barely came up to the under curve of her melon sized breasts, Diana had to lean her neck out just to look over her proud tits to see his face. Her legs were as big around as his entire body. Her frame packed with corded muscles and layered with fat, at nine feet tall Diana seemed like some horrible predatory beast! The hug she snuck up on Superman when she pulled him up and nearly smothered his head in her cleavage spoke otherwise. "WELCOME MY FRIENDS! It has been too long." Letting Superman go gently and setting him back on the ground she chuckled behind her claw when he gasped for air.

The Flash looked around and raised an eyebrow at the city of Sergals all around him, the the transformed amazons either aiming spears at their location as they would any unannounced visitor while others sniffed at their feet like curious wolves. "So this is what you’ve been doing the last few days, ‘sniff’ what’s that smell?"

Using his enhanced smell and x-ray vision Superman looked around to the source and sharply blushed, placing a hand over his eyes and shaking his head at the Flash, hinting not to ask. Rolling her eyes and scratching her long ear Diana laughed quietly. "What can I say, being a Sergal gives you certain… Appetites."

Looking at Vixen’s figure Green Lantern snorted and formed a hologram of a pig from his ring. "Yeah, we noticed." His joke went over well enough until Mari smacked him over the head with her heavy tail like some angry iguana!

Hawk Girl had noticed Carter among the crowd and darted off from the Leaguers, moving over to hug him and becoming red in the face when she found him both gigantic, naked and hung like a moose. "W-Well we didn’t JUST drop by to check on you, Cheetah’s escaped from prison!"


"Yeah, we don’t know how she did it but she disappeared without a trace, not only that but we found instances where she popped up at high security locations and made off with powerful items."

Moving up from the crowd of Amazonian Sergals, Batman joined in hearing everything said so far. "If that’s the case she’s probably got some help, at best she’s a con artist but she’s no expert burglar."

Getting up from the cobblestone streets and rubbing a bruise on his head Hal Jordon used his ring to project footage of the places Cheetah had been spotted on Earth. One showing a production facility on Sante Prisca, a known Venom manufacturer. A high-security complex holding a sample of the Block-Buster formula. Another showed a vault known to store samples of Thanagarian Nth metal. "I don’t know what she’s going to do but I know WHY."

"Yeah… That woman can hold a grudge."

Superman pointed at the screens, letting those who know of the places hit the impression of what Cheetah was after. "If we’re right she knows you’re here and is planning on getting you back for taking the idol from her, and she’s going all or nothing!."

"THEN WE SHALL FACE HER HERE THEN!" Hearing Artemis bellow out a challenge the rest of the Amazon Sergals cheered out with her, their spears raised high at the declaration. "LET THIS CHEETAH COME TO OUR SHORES AND WE SHALL SHOW HER THE FEROCITY OF THE AMAZONS!"

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