
The Mad Hatter does everything he can to track down Felicia Hardy

by Drake G. Reaper
Storyline A Mad, Mad, Mad Marvel Universe
Previous Chapter After the breakfast

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Leaving Johnny, Jervis goes to a nearby computer to look up where Felicia Hardy lives while not an expert with computers Jervis does at least have a rudimentary understanding of computers. After all, before becoming the Mad Hatter he did run a rather successful haberdashery now there's a thought maybe he could ask dear Alice if he could open up a shop of his own, It would be useful to have a legitimate source of income.

Pulling himself from his thoughts he sees that apparently, Felicia Hardy has taken up residence in the Slide-a-way Casino. Smiling to himself Jervis grabs his signature top hat and makes his way down to the lobby of the Baxter Building. Exiting Jervis calls a cab taking a moment he looks at New York and comparing it with Gotham he can honestly say New York is far more positive then dark and dreary Gotham.
Arriving at the Casino, Jervis leaves the cab without paying it helps being well versed in mind control and hypnosis it does come in quite handy.  Entering the Casino the Hatter sees that there are not many people at the moment the  itself must not be opened.
"Excuse me sir is there anything I can help  with?" The receptionist asks Jervis.
"Ah yes, you see my dear I'm looking for a friend she lives here a miss Felicia " Jervis explains.
"Unfortunately Miss Hardy is currently out I'm afraid you'll have to come back later." The receptionist informs Jervis.
"Oh my oh dear that simply will not do tell me do you hear my clock  just ticking " Jervis says taking out his pocket watch.
"Um I do it's rather relaxing." The receptionist responds.
"Yes very good now listen to my voice you can trust me. As I've said I'm friend with Miss Hardy so kindly give a spare key to me if you please." Hatter asks of the receptionist.
"I shouldn't but I do trust you here take this key it's the spare for Miss Hardy's room."  The receptionist says giving the Hatter the key.
"Thank you, my dear, now I must be off." Hatter replies taking the key.
Leaving the receptionist Jervis enters the elevator going up with only a few stops between floors. Exiting the elevator Jervis finds Felicia's penthouse entering he is impressed by the wealth and how nice everything is.
"My my, all these treasures and prizes this Black Cat has been quite busy but soon she'll have so much fun as the Cheshire Cat." Jervis remarks to himself.
Reaching into the pockets of his trenchcoat Jervis pulls out small hypnotic devices programmed to make the Black Cat into the Cheshire cat. Plugging them into all of her electronic devices now whenever Felicia watches or looks up something online she will be redirected to Alice in Wonderland media focused on the Cheshire Cat.  Looking around he sees that Felicia has an Alexa he believes they're called with an idea in mind he tinkers with the home system to help Felicia on her way to becoming the Cheshire Cat.
"This has been a most fortuitous day but I must soon depart but I must not leave any sign of my " Hatter says as he deletes the last several hours of his presence in Felicia's apartment from her security system.
Riding the elevator back down Jervis leaves the Casino and heads back to the Baxter Building. "Such a good day and it will be all the better when I see Alice again." 

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