
Unwilling to wait a moment, Dark Mercury goes to change Usagi/Sailor Moon

by Regret
Storyline Sailor Senshi
Characters Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury
Category Corruption
Previous Chapter The monster merges with her and she becomes the evil Dark Mercury

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Her master's instructions clear, Dark Mercury moved with a passion she had never felt before. Her master's will was her command and she would not delay.  She knew defeating all the remaining Senshi would be difficult on her own not mention a waste power and talent, no they were better off serving her master and she knew just where to begin.

Usagi was walking through the park admiring the beautiful morning when she spotted the new Ami. Usagi waved excitedly and greeted her friend. "Morning Ami. Wow that's a great dress is it new?"

Ami smiled at her former ally and placed her arm around Usagi. "It is, a new dress for a new me."

Usagi walked with her friend pondering what she meant. Everything seemed fine but she couldn't shake the feeling that something evil was near by. "What did you mean?" Usagi said while she scanned the area just to be safe. Ami responded with a cruel smile and tightened her grip on Usagi's shoulder. A freezing cold struck her and Usagi turned to see Ice encase her body coming from Ami's hand. Ami grinned darkly at the Senshi and grabbed at her neck with her free hand. Usagi managed to duck out of the way while shedding her jacket and the ice climbing across it.

"What are you doing?' Usagi yelled.

"My master's bidding as you soon will." Ami replied dropping her act as Usagi's friend. Dark Mercury pressed her hands forward and shot hail towards Usagi. Usagi dove to cover behind a trash can. Hail battered the flismy metal container and Usagi knew she had to act fast, she grabbed the lid from the ground and tossed it at Dark Mercury. The impact only dazed the transformed Senshi but it was all the time Usagi needed. She rose from her hiding place transforming into her Sailor Moon Alter ego. Sailor Moon took off her tiara and flung it at her attacker. The Tiara enlarged encircling Mercury before she could recover then quickly shrank back down binding her arms and knocking her to the ground.

'I don't know what's happened to you Ami, but I'll get the real you back." Sailor Moon said pointing her moon stick at dark Mercury. The spell fired but Dark Mercury only laughed.

"My master's power can't be exorcized that easily." Mercury Said returning to her feet. Summoning a dense mist Mercury hid until she slipped free from Sailor Moon's trap.

Sailor Moon wandered the fog reluctant to hurt Ami but still ready to if there was no other choice.

Free from the tiara Dark Mercury was ready to end the fight. She began chanting in a demonic tongue summoning a stronger darker mastery over her powers. The fog cleared and Sailor Moon saw Dark Mercury. She charged in after her only to slowly lose strength as an ice chill sapped her. After a few paces Sailor Moon Was on her hands and knees unable to fight the cold inside her.

"Do you know what the most abundant thing in the human body is Usagi? Its water, and thanks to my master's strength the water in yours is freezing. " Dark Mercury said mockingly. "Now either I can let it continue and you die or you can serve the master with me."

"I won't join you." Sailor Moon said her voice weak.

"we'll see." Dark Mercury smiled as she chanted again. She raised her hands over her heart and a black ribbon began to appear the long dark fabric slithered through the air and coiled around Sailor Moon. Usagi's vision is engulfed into darkness as she is completely encased from head to toe.

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